It is about an Independent study (IS) which I have already worked on and I have done a part of it, however the professor said that it is incomplete and a different way of presenting data is needed in combination with answering new questions. So there are the appropriate articles and the initial introduction but a thorough analysis is needed.
The work must also include research together yes. From my existing work, the introduction can remain and certainly a lot of information that is in it (e.g. in the results) as well as the articles that I have chosen (it will be necessary to add some more articles). The most important thing in my opinion is the definition of new Research Questions that should be answered in new chapters. I can also send precise, clear instructions for writing each chapter, as I have received from the professor in detail
I attach
my existing work (which is essentially incomplete)
the file I made, with the instructions for writing that I need from you
the work template