Individual written analysis (suitable for a web page) integrating applied quantitative analysis within Excel, real data, and focused interpretation.

This assessment is an individual client report. You must analyse the data, provided by the Client in the
CW2 Excel file. The file contains a sample of companies from the UK retail sector. You must write a
report using your analysis of the data provided, that meet the requirements of the Client as set out
below. The data set for this assessment is in the CW2 Excel file in the CW2 folder, in the assessment
section of Course Resources. You will also find some notes on the measurement of the variables used
in a separate Word file. You are required to analyse the data provided using Excel only. You should
use the results of your Excel analysis to create fit for purpose tables and charts, which must be
embedded in the body of the report to support your discussion and analysis for the client. 

You must write an individual report analysing only the data provided. The data is real UK data from a
specialist database. There are more than 26,592 retail firms registered in the UK, but consistent data
on the variables in this data set is only available for the sample you have in the data set for the latest
year available, 2020. The data includes measurements of performance, size, and other variables. The
overall aim of your analysis is to help the client understand the UK retail sector. The client is thinking
about investing in this sector and wants you to analyse the available data provided in the Excel file.
You should use your analysis to provide the client with a better understanding of the performance
potential of different groups of companies in the sector. Your report must provide only the analysis
that the client has requested, and your discussion must explain why the analysis might be relevant to
the client as they think about investing in the sector. Your job is not to decide whether the client
should invest or not, or to do financial analysis for the client. Your job is to provide the analysis that
the client requests, and provide recommendations drawn directly from the analysis. Only use the data
Do not add new or additional data or information from other sources. Only use the
techniques we have covered in the lectures.
Do not use evidence or techniques that we have not
covered in the lectures.
You can only use the EXCEL spreadsheet for your analysis that we have used
in the lectures and/or computer labs.

The Client’s Requirements

The client is a business investor. This client has not invested in the UK retail sector before. The client
wants you to analyse the data they have provided and present the analysis as a business report of no
more than 2,500
(excluding tables, charts, and appendices). The report should help the client in their
aim to better understand company performance in the UK retail sector and how the information from
this data set might be used when thinking about investing in the sector. The client has requested the
following from you:

The client requires you to provide:

  1. a)  An analysis of the distribution of the profit rate across all companies in the data set.

  2. b)  An analysis of the distribution of the profit rate, comparing the large and SME (small &

    medium sized) firms in the data set.

  3. c)  An analysis of the distribution of the profit rate, comparing manufacturers in the data set by

    their export activity.

  4. d)  An analysis of the distribution of Return on Capital Employed comparing large and SME

    manufacturers in the data set.

  5. e)  An analysis of the export activity of the manufacturers in the data set against their size,

    measured by whether they are large or SME companies

  6. f)  An analysis of the extent to which the profit margin across all manufacturers in the data set is

    associated with the other quantitative variables in the data set.

  7. g)  An analysis of the extent to which the profit margin for manufacturers in the data set can be

predicted using the other quantitative variables in the data set.

In order to meet the client’s requirements, you MUST use all the following methods in
your analysis in the report:

a) Analysis of required variable distributions (using descriptive statistics and histograms)
with appropriate explanations and comments on what your findings imply for the
Client’s aim.

b) Hypothesis tests of the difference of means with appropriate explanation and
comments on what the test results imply in relation to the Client’s aim.
c) Cross tab analysis with appropriate probability pattern discussion and associated Chi-
squared test with explanations of what the results imply in relation to the Client’s aim.
d) Correlation analysis with appropriate explanations of what the results imply in relation to the Client’s aim.
e) Bivariate regression analysis with appropriate explanations of what the results imply in relation to the Client’s aim. The regression output should be reported and the interpretation of the results is required.

Please include all EXCEL output in the appendix.

As well:

  1. You must choose which techniques and variables to use for each of the client’s stated

  2. Each part of the analysis must be explained. You must say why you chose the variables,
    why you chose the technique, and give appropriate explanations of any results (any
    calculations should be put in the appendix and not in the body of the report). You need
    to ensure you interpret the results of the techniques used but you do not need to explain
    calculations to the client. You must provide a full discussion of what your results mean for
    the client within each part of the analysis (not at the end of the report). Failure to do this
    will result in very low marks. Marks are mainly awarded for presenting and interpreting
    the output of Excel for the Client in terms of what it means, not for getting Excel to
    produce the output.
    For example, if you say the distribution is skewed, you need to show
    the evidence and explain why this might be of interest to the client in terms of their
    understanding of performance in the UK retail
    sector and the client’s plans to invest in
    the sector.

  3. Any tables or charts used must be ‘fit for purpose’ You must adapt the Excel tables and
    charts so that they meet the client
    ’s needs and are fit for presentation in a formal
    business report.
    When you have done this, you can cut and paste them into the report.
    Any fit for purpose charts or tables should be
    put in the body of the report (not in the
    appendix) and every table and chart should be numbered, with titles, and have beneath
    it, a full explanation and discussion saying what the table or chart shows and how this
    relates to the client’s aim.

The report must be set out as follows:

  1. Write your analysis as a typed report with an appropriate title page, contents page,
    section headings, numbered and labelled figures and tables, and appendices. You do not
    need an Executive Summary.

  2. You must provide an introduction to your report. Your introduction must state your
    overall aim and your objectives in order to meet the client’s requirements.

  3. You must provide evidence in an appendix showing how you did the analysis and how
    your results were calculated. Normally this means providing a ‘screenshot’ of part of an

    excel sheet showing the Excel results. This evidence should be put in the appendix. Do

    not include a screenshot of all the data.

    1. You must provide a conclusion with a summary of your results and recommendations.

      Your conclusion should summarise what you have already discussed in your analysis, and
      summarise your recommendations, which should already have been discussed within the
      analysis. Summarise your findings. Clearly state whether your analysis has met your
      objectives and why. If you think your report has some weakness, explain what it is and
      why. Your recommendations must be linked to your conclusions. You will gain marks for
      this type of critical review.

    2. The word count (excluding tables and appendices) is a MAXIMUM OF 2,500 words for the
      whole report. This report can be well done in fewer than 2,500 words if well written and
      well focused. You should choose how many words are appropriate for each section in
      your report. You
      must provide a word count on the Front Page of the Report.

    3. The word count (excluding tables and appendices) is a MAXIMUM OF 2,500 words for the
      whole report. This report can be well done in fewer than 2,500 words if well written and
      well-focused. You should choose how many words are appropriate for each section in
      your report. You
      must provide a word count on the Front Page of the Report. If you
      exceed the word limit you will lose marks as follows:


    10 marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit by up to 250 words
    20 marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit by 251-500 words

    30 marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit by 501-750 words

    50 marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit by more than 750


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