Construct a college level essay exploring these five themes:
1. impact of labor subdivision
2. efficiency-driven manufacturing
3. workplace changes
4. skilled workers’ strategies
5. the challenges of labor resistance.
Although there is no word limit, this and all essays are to be approximately 500 words in length. In preparing your essays, it is best to make an outline, which includes your themes. Then construct sentences in short paragraphs that support your thesis. Finish with a thoughtful conclusion/summary that includes your analysis.
Your essays are to be typed, doubled spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font. Please cite your sources at the end of each paragraph using the Chicago Manual of Style format. In addition to detailing the who, what, where and when, place special focus on the why and how.
DO NOT USE ANY ARTIFICIAL INTELLEGENCE (AI)! If you use AI, you will receive a zero on the assignment. The second time, you will be dropped from the class.