Choose an organization to which you have access, or which you know well, analyze its innovation strategy and capabilities, and identify areas which may be enhanced .
Word limit should not exceed 3,000 words.
Describe the context and current state of the organization with respect to innovation. Analyze and diagnose their strengths and weaknesses in the focal organization’s innovation processes. Propose an action plan, including possible performance metrics, based on what you have learned in the module, to improve their creativity and innovation.
Take the perspective of a consultant who is tasked with the above objective. However, do cite the relevant academic literature/models and frameworks explicitly in your report to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of these.
– If possible, use some primary evidence in your assignment – interviews or surveys are ideal.
– You may also use existing survey data or internal documents as primary evidence.
– Use the toolkit you have developed in the module and draw on other academic literature to support your arguments.
Grading Criteria:
• Appropriate application of frameworks/models from the module
• Effective use of primary (interview/survey) and/or secondary evidence where available.
• Logical and evidence-based plan for developing innovation/creativity (evidence includes either/both past empirical/theoretical research and primary/secondary data)
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• Argument well supported by reference to relevant academic literature from module or elsewhere
• Reflexive attitude to the plan and the evidence-base and their current limitations
– Suggested assignment structure and relevant content
– Primary Evidence Reports
– Primary Evidence Client Questionare
Important Notes
-There are some sources suggested in the assignment structure, however, please use more sources than the ones provided.
Feel free to use additional concepts and frameworks that could aid the analysis
Please include 2 graphics to support the analysis, whereever it is appropriate