innovation plan on entrepreneurial project called HeARTful – Mindful journeys artistic destinies – a digital platform that supports mental health and fosters artistic opportunities within the creative industries.

About the project : digital platform/ app called ” HeARTful ” 

With HeARTful we revolutionise the landscape of mental health and the stigma associated with it when it comes to

‘help seeking’ allowing the users not only to embark on a journey of growth and self discovery but also help them uncover their artistic self whilst getting recognition and exposure by doing so. The app will facilitate a space for users to showcase their artistic creations and connect with galleries for potential exhibitions, art institutions for collaboration and support.

The app will include : Art therapy modules , storytelling platform, virtual gallery to display the creations and receive feedback and support form the community , networking feature that allows users to connect with like minded individuals from the art scene to foster collaborations and for joint projects, a virtual diary which tracks your progress and monitors your emotional growth as well as educational resources for mental health and the therapeutic benefits of artistic expression.

I will include as well my first initial pitch for the project which needs further development, assessment brief fully detailed , lecture notes , marking criteria , reference style guidelines. 
Attached there is  a sample assessment from last year’s students for guidance . 

Please note that the assessment guidelines changed from last year. For instance, last year’s pitch was longer and the innovation plan contained sections that are not required this year. ) 

It’s a level 6 assement ( passing mark is 60%) so I would need to achieve a high score .

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