Summative assessment
The summative assessment is individual coursework. Students will write a coursepaper (3,000 words), divided into two parts which are equally weighted. A templatewill be available in Learn as a guide on what to include in your work.
Part One (50%)
Produce a design for a technology which will support a specific target population,either older adult, someone living with a long–term condition in a rural/remote orurban region, a person with a disability, a carer, or an individual wanting to lead anactive, healthy lifestyle. The design document should not exceed 1,500 words inlength and may include graphics, photos, pictures and sketches which help explainthe intended digital solution. Your group work will inform this design work. While youdevelop things in a group format, the submission is individual which allows studentsscope to vary ideas or reflections on the engagement with the target audience.It is NOT a technical document and does not require any specific softwareapplication building or coding information. The design document must outline thespecific functionality of the technology, with supporting evidence where appropriate,and explain how it will be used by your target audience to address their care need.
Part Two (50%)
The technology has now gone into production and will be launched to a team ofhealth or social care professionals next month! Produce a briefing paper, supportedwith relevant evidence, which does not exceed 1,500 words in length andaddresses the following three key needs of this team;
a) The role of the health or social care professional in rolling out the technologyand supporting individuals to use it effectively.
b) The benefits and any potential challenges that the technology will bring forindividual service users.
c) The ways in which the health or social care professionals can measure andevaluate the impact of the technology on the target audience and wider community.
You should remember to draw on theories of innovation, leadership and changemanagement in considering how you can best brief the team to roll out thisinnovation successfully.
Word Count
Word counts must be stated on the assignment. The word count excludes thereferences, the main title, table content and table / figure legends, but includes allother material. Footnotes cannot therefore be used to include extra material, andthe use of footnotes is discouraged.If there is a fixed word limit (e.g. 4,000 words) work will be subject to a penalty of 10marks if the word count is more than 10% over the prescribed word length (e.g.4,401 and above). No specific penalty will be applied for submissions with fewer than therecommended number of words.
All work in Nursing Studies must be referenced according to the Harvard System ofreferencing. Marks will be deducted for poor referencing. Correct referencing mustbe seen as priority in all written work