Instructions: Write a two page total reflection paper (at least one page per answer) in which you respond to two of the four application questions below, then submit your paper using the link on the main course page. Use APA formatting (including cover page and 1 inch margins. No abstract, in-text citations or reference list needed).
- Obesity rates are at an all-time high, and the trends show that there is really no sign of stopping. If you were put in charge of finding the solution to the obesity problem, what would be your first action?
- We will ask this question again at the end of the class, once you get some perspective on the topic. As for right now, what would you consider being “fit in faith” to mean?
- In considering your own nutritional and exercise habits, are there areas that you wish you could improve in? If so, what are they? Are there areas that you are very proud of what you are doing? If so, what are they?
- How does your faith in Christ affect your decisions about what you eat and what you drink? Do you think your faith should influence these things?