Okay so this is a group work where we have to write about the interactions between CYPs and phytotherapeutics. I only want you to write my parts of this group work essay. In the attached document (“Highlighted subtitles”), you’ll find highlighted subtitles along with my name (Sara) next to them. Those are representing my parts that you will write about. I need you to write about these highlighted subtitles only as they are my parts to write. Everything else will be handled by my group members. The doc is in dutch because I study in dutch but you can write everything in english of course, I will translate verything afterwards.
Please make sure to write original content and avoid any form of plagiarism. I’ve also attached an example (“Keuzevak-Fytotherapie”) from a previous group to give you an idea of what is expected, but please ensure that your work is original and not copied directly from it.
Once you’ve completed the task, please provide a Turnitin report along with your work to ensure that it’s free from plagiarism.
Thank you for your help, and let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,