Objectives The main objectives of this research are: To evaluate the interface durability of ECC repairs on existing concrete structures subjected to dry-wet cycles. To propose methods for improving the interface durability of ECC repairs. Methodology Literature Review: Conduct an extensive review of existing literature on ECC, repair techniques, and interface durability under dry-wet cycles. Experimental Testing: Prepare ECC specimens and repair them on concrete substrates. Subject the specimens to controlled dry-wet cycles in a laboratory environment. Perform bond strength tests, durability assessments, and microstructural analysis to evaluate the interface performance. Parametric Study: Investigate the influence of ECC mix design, curing conditions, and surface preparation techniques on the interface durability. Vary these parameters systematically and compare the results to identify the most effective strategies for enhancing interface performance.Data Analysis: Analyze the experimental data using statistical methods to draw meaningful conclusions and identify significant factors affecting interface durability. Recommendations: Based on the findings, propose practical suggestions for improving the durability of ECC repairs under dry-wet cycles.
Interface Durability and Improving Method for Existing Concrete Structures Repaired by ECC under Dry-wet cycle
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