Introduction to Health Systems and Professions Research Paper: Labor and Delivery Nursing

he Catholic University of America, Conway School of Nursing

NURS151:  Introduction to Health Systems and Professions

Writing Assignment, Fall, 2024


  • Write a 5-7 page scholarly paper, in APA format, exploring an area of clinical practice of interest to you.  You must incorporate at least one (1) scholarly article, preferably a research article, that relates to the clinical area of practice.
  • Your paper must include the following items.  Please consult the grading rubric for the metrics used to evaluate this assignment
    • A cover page
    • An introduction
    • Presentation of a particular area of nursing clinical practice, including:
      • a description of the places where this clinical care/practice is delivered
      • the typical patients/clients encountered, and
      • the required and recommended qualifications for this area of practice.
    • A brief assessment of nursing research related to this area of practice (see examples below).
      • Kruse-Diehr, A. J., Lee, M. J., Shackelford, J., & Saidou Hangadoumbo, F. (2021). The State of Research on Faith Community Nursing in Public Health Interventions: Results from a Systematic Review. Journal of Religion and Health, 60(2), 1339–1374.
      • Bryant, K., Pro, G., Rojo, M., Patel, J., Haynes, T., McElfish, P., Sepulveda, M., & Hart, C. (2022). Identifying community needs of the Hispanic faith community to develop a research agenda.
    • If certification is required or recommended, identify the certification(s) and the process for obtaining certification
    • The reason this area of practice is attractive to you
    • A conclusion
    • Intext citation of sources and a Reference List for all sources (note the Reference List is in addition to the 5-7 pages required for the paper)
  • Note:  use original sources; do not use websites from other colleges or from job search sites
  • Students are expected to meet with the Writing Center at least once prior to submitting this assignment.

Points will be deducted for missing items.

Turnitin will be used to measure/evaluate for plagiarism.

Due Dates:  

  • Topic/area of clinical interest due in Brightspace by start of class, October 7, 2024
  • Final paper due October 21, 2024, by the start of class.  Students must upload an electronic copy of the paper into the appropriate Journal in Brightspace AND provide a typed, stapled, hard copy of the paper by the start of the lecture.

Grading Rubric

Student name:  ______________________________   Section:  _____ Grade:  __________








Below Average


Total Points


Introduction provides a clear and well-articulated introduction (including supporting data) 

(24-25 points)

Introduction evident.  Clarity of thought inconsistent throughout introduction 

(21-23 points)

Intelligible ideas, lack of clarity in the introduction 

(18-20 points)

Lacking introduction; paper does not address assignment

(0-17 points)

Review of the Literature (ROTL) 

At least one scholarly article incorporated into paper that relates to the specialty discussed; article/sources is related to the content of the paper and appropriately incorporated into content (19-20 points)

Scholarly article has some relationship to the paper; however, presentation lacks clarity

(17-18 points)

Scholarly article(s) not related to or well incorporated into the paper content

(15-16 points)

No scholarly article/references

(0-14 points)

Presentation of content 

Demonstrates critical thinking.  There is a comprehensive review of the topic; ideas are well developed, and meets the content requirements for the paper (32-35 points)

Demonstrates novice level of critical thinking.  Excludes 1-2 required elements for the assignment.

(28-31 points)

Main points are indirectly supported or support is not specific; does not include 3-4 required elements of the assignment   

(21-27 points)

Content provides insufficient support of the topic

(0-20 points)

Organization, Spelling, Grammar,

Compliance with CUA and CSON policy, APA format

Paper is engaging and demonstrates sequential and appropriate organization; paragraphs are well developed; vocabulary is appropriate to BSN study; transitions are smooth; there are no spelling, language, or grammatical errors; paper absent evidence of plagiarism

(15 points)

Evidence of basic organization; transitions present; rare spelling, vocabulary, language, and/or grammatical errors

(14 points)

Vocabulary, grammar and/or organization inconsistent with baccalaureate level of study; APA formatting inconsistent; occasional spelling, vocabulary and/or grammatical errors

(12-13 points)

Paper lacks organization; numerous grammatical errors; APA formatting absent; or lacks adherence to CUA and/or CSON policies

(0-11 points)

Citation of References

All references are cited in APA format (intext and on Reference List)

(5 points)

Use of APA format evident with rare errors

(4 points)

Citations in non-APA format; 1 or more citations in text do not appear in the reference list; several APA errors

(2-3 points)

>1 citation absent from text or reference list

(0-1 point)

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