K-Pop as contra flow to Western dominated music industry What can the global music industry learn from K-Pop and South Korea?

This essay must deal with the differences between the K-pop and Western music industries, with a strong focus on British music, and aims to prove that the influence of K-pop music is strongly rising in the West and how it impacts the global music market. 

1. description of K-pop
         – What is K-pop
         –  where did it originate 
         –  what is the historical background of K-pop 
         –  the economies of K-pop
         –   is K-pop becoming a soft power in South Korea? If yes, then how?
         – fan loyalty – how is the Korean fan base different from the fan base in the West? 
         – how are the idols trained? + How does it differ from the West 
2. description of Western Pop ( with a strong focus on the British music industry) 
      – similar points as in 1. must be discussed 
3. Comparison between K-pop and Western Pop music industries 
     – how do they differ 
     – is Western music threatened by the rise of K-pop?
     – give examples of K-pop music bands/artists and Birsith music bands/artists (in which way do they differ when it comes to creating music, interacting with fans, selling, and marketing their music) 
   – what are the pros and cons of K-pop and Western music industries? 
   4. What can we expect from the K-pop music industry in the future? (its global, political and economic impact)
        Does K-pop threaten the Western music market? 
        What can the Western music market learn from K-pop? 
Note: this is not a fixed structure of the essay but simply an idea of what the essay should include and discuss. Feel free to add other important points to the discussion. 

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