Kant says that nothing is good in itself or without qualification except a good will. Explain what Kant means by this (including as much as is possible or necessary about his reasons for thinking this,) and give an argumentative evaluation of Kant’s position and its reasons. You will need to consult the full text of Kant’s discussion of the good will in The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (available as pdf via this site) in order to complete this assignment (that is, in addition to the relevant material from the Melchert volume.) In addition, you should consult chapters 4 and 5 of Writing Philosophy (available as a pdf on this site under the heading “A Guide to Writing Philosophy Essays) before beginning this, and any subsequent essay.
Format requirements: essays must be double-spaced, and must include a separate title page with the following information — essay title, date of submission, course title and number, student name and number, and the instructor’s name. Student name should appear nowhere but on the title page. All citations and bibliographical information should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style format. Essays must be submitted to the essay dropbox for this course, under the “Assignments” heading. Submitted files must be in .docx (Microsoft Word) or .pdf format.http://www.pitt.edu/~mthompso/readings/GroundworkI.pdf