Each 900 words
1. You have been approached by Lakshmi Gopal, the managing director of Fair
Fresh Foods, a large supermarket chain. She has a problem with the toilet paper
supplies in her stores. She thinks you can help her identify how and why there is a
shortage. She’s observed that customers have been flocking to stores and buying
more toilet paper than they probably need. Also, she’s heard tales of other store
managers at different grocery store chains ordering as much toilet paper as they can
– hoarding supplies. She’s also heard that there is a shortage of truck (lorry) drivers
and there are rumours that manufacturers are not producing enough toilet paper for
Describe a qualitative research study that you would undertake to present to
Lakshmi. The study you design should include information about your research
question(s), its relation to existing literature, who the participants are, recruitment,
analysis and expected findings. Each choice must be justified. You should consider
what issues might occur when conducting the study and how you might address
these issues in the design of your study. What are the strengths and weaknesses of
your study?
Fresh Foods, a large supermarket chain. She has a problem with the toilet paper
supplies in her stores. She thinks you can help her identify how and why there is a
shortage. She’s observed that customers have been flocking to stores and buying
more toilet paper than they probably need. Also, she’s heard tales of other store
managers at different grocery store chains ordering as much toilet paper as they can
– hoarding supplies. She’s also heard that there is a shortage of truck (lorry) drivers
and there are rumours that manufacturers are not producing enough toilet paper for
Describe a qualitative research study that you would undertake to present to
Lakshmi. The study you design should include information about your research
question(s), its relation to existing literature, who the participants are, recruitment,
analysis and expected findings. Each choice must be justified. You should consider
what issues might occur when conducting the study and how you might address
these issues in the design of your study. What are the strengths and weaknesses of
your study?
2.You work for an online food delivery platform that operates in more than 50 towns
and cities in the UK. Your tech team have developed a new algorithm that is aimed
at improving rider safety and reducing risky behaviours. You have been asked to
design a research project that would test whether the new algorithm does indeed
improve rider safety and wellbeing.
Design a quantitative study to explore this topic. Your design should include a brief
outline of key literature on the topic, and describe your research question, research
philosophy and approach to theory, method/design, participants and/or sampling
approach, measures of interest, and proposed analysis techniques. Justify your
methodological choices with reference to the advantages and limitations, compared
to alternative quantitative approaches.
at improving rider safety and reducing risky behaviours. You have been asked to
design a research project that would test whether the new algorithm does indeed
improve rider safety and wellbeing.
Design a quantitative study to explore this topic. Your design should include a brief
outline of key literature on the topic, and describe your research question, research
philosophy and approach to theory, method/design, participants and/or sampling
approach, measures of interest, and proposed analysis techniques. Justify your
methodological choices with reference to the advantages and limitations, compared
to alternative quantitative approaches.