Please complete the lab report as per the document instructions ! Pleaes no AI, and make sure to follow the instructions. it’s based on gene x
MOD007185:Laboratory Techniques in DNA Manipulation
Bioinformatics, PCR Cloning and DNA Manipulation Laboratory Report
PART I: DNA cloning and Manipulation practical write up
Complete the write-up of the cloning practical using the template and mark scheme specified below. Make sure that you include your SID, and save the file using your SID as the filename. Do not include your name anywhere on the document. This section should be fully referenced. The write-up should include the following sections:
Introduction: 300 words equivalent (20 marks)
Provide a brief introduction to molecular cloning. Provide information on the uses of GST fusion proteins in in vitro molecular biology experiments.
Method: 75 words equivalent (5 Marks)
Provide a methods section on Agarose gel electrophoresis (Refer to the protocol on Canvas, only write anything in detail if the method was changed/modified during the practical session)
Results: 375 words equivalent (25 marks)
Provide a results section consisting of a brief written description of the results and annotated figures of the gels that you produced during the trimester. Include a figure legend for each figure.
Figure 1: Results of the amplification of GST DNA by PCR
Figure 2: Results of Colony PCR
Figure 3: Results restriction enzyme mapping of plasmid DNA
Figure 4: Results showing analysis of expressed GST protein using SDS-PAGE
Discussion: 300 words equivalent (20 marks)
Discuss the experimental results provided in Figures 1-4.