Library Assigment Special Challenges of Integrated Marketing Communications in Small and Entrepreneurial Ventures Objective:

Special Challenges of Integrated Marketing Communications in Small and Entrepreneurial Ventures


The objective of this assignment is to explore the unique challenges faced by small and entrepreneurial ventures in implementing integrated marketing communications (IMC). You must research, analyze, and present findings on various aspects of IMC in this context.

Assignment Tasks:

  1. Literature Review:
  • Visit the university library or access the online library database (LIRN).
  • Research and collect at least two scholarly articles, case studies, or books that discuss integrated marketing communications (IMC) with a focus on small and entrepreneurial ventures.
  1. Identify Key Challenges:
  • Based on your literature review, identify at least three major challenges small and entrepreneurial ventures face in implementing IMC.
  • Provide a detailed explanation of each challenge, supported by evidence from your research.
  1. Case Study Analysis:
  • Select a small or entrepreneurial venture that has successfully implemented IMC. This could be a local business, a start-up, or a well-documented case study from your research.
  • Analyze how the venture addressed the challenges you identified. What strategies did they use? What were the outcomes?
  1. Practical Solutions:
  • Propose practical solutions or strategies that small and entrepreneurial ventures can use to overcome the IMC challenges you’ve identified.
  • These solutions should be actionable and realistic for small businesses with limited resources.

Submission Requirements:

  • Written Report:
  • Submit a written report, 2 pages minimum, that includes your literature review, identified challenges, case study analysis, and proposed solutions.
  • Ensure your report is well-organized, clearly written, and properly cited using APA 7 format.

 Evaluation Criteria:

  • Depth and quality of literature review.
  • Clarity and thoroughness in identifying and explaining key challenges.
  • Insightfulness and relevance of the case study analysis.
  • Practicality and feasibility of proposed solutions.
  • Overall organization, clarity, and professionalism of the written report and presentation.

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