This report has two parts: a literature review, and a marketing research reflection.
your knowledge and understanding of an aspect of consumer behaviour theory. A literature
review involves a search of the academic literature available on a given subject area, an
evaluation of that literature, and an overview/critique to identify gaps in the existing
literature. Your literature review will discuss one of three scholarly topics (listed below)
within a context. It is expected that you will discuss several relevant and current academic
articles. I have provided an article for each of the topic areas to get you started. Please note
that a literature review should only contain scholarly articles. At the end of your review, you
will identify one areas/gaps/problems for research which create the basis for the
Marketing Research section of your report. The topic is Consumers’ experience of service technology in the hospitality sector:
Kabadayi, S., Ali, F., Choi, H., Joosten, H., & Lu, C. (2019). Smart service
experience inhospitality and tourism services: A conceptualization and future research
agenda. Journal of Service Management, 30(3), 326-348.
1. Have a 200 word introduction (In this section you will outline the purpose of the report and provide an overview of the
2. 800-1000 word litreature review (start with the various definitions and frameworks for customer experience, then discuss the context of service technology, finally, in the third paragraph discuss literature on the customer experience within the service technology hospitality sector)
3. Marketing Research Reflection (800-1000, words)
consist of a mix of open-ended (qualitative) and closed-ended (quantitative) questions
addressing the gaps identified in your literature review. The questionnaire should be
attached as an Appendix to the end of your report (and, as such, will not contribute to the
word count). You should discuss how the questions asked link to the research gap/problem
identified in your literature review.
3.2 data collection and analysis -> (Do not do this part, it is not required anymore)
questions and other key aspects of the questionnaire design (e.g. question order, question
tone, provision for coding). Your marketing research reflection should also discuss which
aspects of the questionnaire worked well in the field (i.e. when conducting the interviews)
and which aspects you would change if you were to use the questionnaire for a full market
research survey (i.e. what aspects of the survey would you change as a result of
undertaking the pilot study and assessing the suitability of your questionnaire design). In
the appendix, include a revised questionnaire based on the results of your pilot study. -> (not super necessary as I will run this)
In this section you will discuss your findings in relation to the literature. Did your findings
support/differ from what the literature discussed? Did you add to our body of knowledge
on the topic? You will also want to discuss limitations to your research and propose two
possible future research opportunities. You also need to consider the implications of your
findings for marketing managers in your sector.