Model: Growth models including
Mergers and Acquisitions, Franchising and Management Contracting in hotel
Introduction – The model/concept is to be
presented and explained. This may be in bullet point format, a fully-
referenced copy and paste from an academic source (if it is a diagram), or
simply a written explanation (maximum of 200 words).
Middle – You are to present the different
academic views on your subject matter, critically analyzing the views in
relation to the current importance of the business application of the
model/concept in the world of Hospitality and associated industries. You are to
synthesize these academic views and to give your own interpretation of these
views, ensuring that they are referenced accordingly, with either in text
citations or direct quotations (approx. 700-900 words). It is anticipated that
the views will be extracted from any section of any of the 5 articles, most
notably the literature review, however, the relevance of the results of the
pieces of research may well allow for a more critical assessment of the
validity and importance of the model/concept chosen.
Conclusion – This should be a summary of
what you have presented and conclude with your position on the importance
and/or application of the chosen model/concept (100-200 words). This must be
written, either in the conditional or hypothetical, or by repeating the
previously used in text references.
The only 5 academic articles(peer-review)
should be from no earlier than 2013 and use the Emerald to find a peer-reviews
with APA 7TH edition.
Business tools such as PESTEL and SWOT are not
permitted for this exercise.