I need to write a literature review outline with the research question being: What
factors contribute to elevated rates of postpartum depression in Hispanic women
living in the United States?
please use the following directions:
An outline of your paper, showing content for your introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections.
Your introduction should build up to your research question and provide all of the important background information that your reader might need to understand why it is important to answer your research question. Sources that you cite here cannot also be cited in your results.
Your methods should have the search strategies that you used to identify the ten articles included in your results section. You need to detail your database, exact search terms, and how you narrowed down your search results and sorted through the final pool of search results to identify the articles you ultimately included. Be as detailed as possible in this section.
Your results section should have 10 peer-reviewed original research articles that directly contribute to answering your research question. Recall that you cannot cite articles in your results in other sections of your paper, so you will need to use other references in your introduction and discussion sections- you should aim for between 15 and 20 TOTAL sources for this assignment.
Your discussion can be a bit unfinished at this stage, considering you only have half of the articles for your final draft at this point. The purpose of this section is to briefly synthesize what you have stated in your results, and then move into covering specific solutions or opportunities to reduce the disparity you are covering. This could be through specific interventions or policy level changes. Again, do not cite articles from your results in this section.
Your article table
This is an annotated bibliography that details the characteristics of the articles you cite in your results. Articles that are cited in other parts of the paper should not appear here. You need to fill out every cell for each of your ten articles, in as much detail as possible. I will also provide an example of how the outline should look like.