Please upload your literature review here!
FORMATTING STYLE – font: Times New Roman (TNR) SIZE: 12, SPACING 1.5
WORD LIMIT – 1800 words, but you can go above this word limit!
Pay attention to the organisation of the literature review
- thematic/chronological or both organisation style
- have I justified choice of organisation style
- have I evaluated the academic references that I have included in my review
- have I answered if a specific academic reference helps in providing one or more of the following methodological, theoretical, informational, historical relevance to my review
- have included in the review the evolution (progression) of research question – what was the question when I started the project and how it evolved with the readings of different academic sources! VERY IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT ALLOWS YOU TO DOCUMENT YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS
- have I stated the research question as clearly as possible by explaining the key words in it and demonstrating that it is a HOW question that focuses on processes
So far this is what i am focusing my paper on Reasearch topic: How social media influencers shape gentrification in NYC: a local perspective Research Question: How do TikTok and Instagram influencers contribute to the gentrification of NYC neighborhoods through aestheticization and digital place branding?I am using a thematic approach!PLEASE KEEP A DOCUMENT OUTLINING EVEYTHING DONE AND THE THOUGHT PROCESS BEHIND IT ALL!here are the references I have 7 so far but please find 4 more so it is 11 they MUST BE ACADEMIC one should be some history of gentrification of nyc overtime to now and another article should discuss gentrifcation and discursive investing 1.
- here is one article Gentrification and Small Business: Threat or Opportunity? Rachel Meltzer Cityscape, Vol. 18, No. 3, Gentrification (2016), pp. 57-86 (30 pages)
Name of the author: Rachel Meltzer
Takes place in NYC
Name of the Journal in which article was published: Cityscape
Year of publication: 2016
Article title/keywords: Gentrification and Small Business: Threat or Opportunity?
2. Name of the author/authors: Irene Bronsvoort and Justus Uitermark
Name of the Journal in which the article was published: Urban Studies
Year of publication: 2021
Article title/keywords: “Seeing the street through Instagram: Digital platforms and the amplification of gentrification”
3. Name of the author/authors: Joseph Gibbons, Atsushi Nara, and Bruce Appleyard
Name of the Journal in which the article was published: Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Year of publication: 2018
Article title/keywords: “Exploring the Imprint of Social Media Networks on Neighborhood Community Through the Lens of Gentrification”
4. Name of the author/authors: Cheng-Chia Huang, Atsushi Nara, Joseph Gibbons, and Ming-Hsiang Tsou
Name of the Journal in which the article was published: Empowering Human Dynamics Research with Social Media and Geospatial Data Analytics
Year of publication: 2021
Article title/keywords: “Exploring Gentrification Through Social Media Data and Text Clustering Techniques”
5. Name of the author: David A. Banks
Name of the Journal in which the article was published: European Planning Studies
Year of publication: 2021
Article title/keywords: “The Attention Economy of Authentic Cities: How Cities Behave Like Influencers”
6. Name of the author/authors: Sharon Zukin, Scarlett Lindeman, and Laurie Hurson
Name of the Journal in which the article was published: City & Community
Year of publication: 2017
Article title/keywords: “The Omnivore’s Neighborhood? Online Restaurant Reviews, Race, and Gentrification”
7. “Influencer Marketing in the Promotion of Cities and Regions”
Author: Monika Pettersen-Sobczyk
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXVI, Issue 4, 35-43, 2023DOI: 10.35808/ersj/3270