Marketing Case Analysis – Netflix Moves into Ad-Supported Streaming: Cause for Concern or a Normal Transition?

Marketing Case Study (on Netflix), guidelines, examples, and case analysis template provided.

Write a 4.5 – 6 page case anaysis using the template provided while following the guidelines provided below:

Study Analysis Outline





Describe the pertinent history of the
organization, including its mission and vision, goals and objectives, and
strategies. Include only those points which affect the current situation,
possible alternatives, or future performance of the company.

o   Well
describes the history of the company indicated in the case (written in your own
words, no quotations)

o   Clearly
identifies problems described in the case

1/2 to 1 page total (double-spaced)


Situation Analysis:

Describe the external environment of the
organization, including general and competitive trends, issues, and forces;
sum-up with a list of current and future threats and opportunities facing the

Describe the internal condition of the company;
what resources can it marshal, what are the distinctive competencies and
competitive advantages, and what is the state of the firm’s financial and other

Sum-up with a list of strengths and weaknesses.

What are the industry’s critical success

Clearly explains the situation described in the

1 to 1.5 pages total (double-spaced)


Alternatives and Recommendations:

Propose and analyze options for the company.

Evaluate the pros and cons of each.

Choose one of the alternatives (options) or a
combination of options as our recommendation.

o   Clearly
explains alternatives and recommendations that solve the issues identified

1 to 1.5 pages total (double-spaced)



Present your implementation plan, including your
contingency (what if) analysis.

o   Explains
the implementation in detail

1/2 to 1 page total (double-spaced)


Implemented Solution:

Present and defend your solution.

o   1. Identifies multiple possible solutions

o   2. Supports proposed solutions with strong reasoning,
argumentation, and data

1/2 to 1 page total (double-spaced)


References (APA):

References, in-text citation, document format,
following APA guidelines. Grammar, spelling, and logical flow.

Minimum of 3 citations (including the case study)



Course Textbook:
Gilligan, C., & Wilson, R. (2005). Strategic
Marketing Management
 (3rd ed.). Routledge.





***PLEASE NOTE: Case Study Analysis will
be checked for any and all forms of plagiarism and A.I.

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