shows thorough and
knowledge of
relevant literary
forms and terms. shows thorough
understanding of
the topic. develops ideas with
a high degree of
logic and coherence.
incorporates highly
effective, well-
chosen, and
relevant evidence. shows extensive
command of the
essay form,
including clear and
thesis; highly
organization; strong
conclusion. applies grammar,
usage, spelling, and
punctuation with a
high degree of
accuracy and
effectiveness. makes connections
within and between
various contexts
with a high degree
of effectiveness. follows required
style for all
citations and references.
effective, well-
chosen, and
relevant evidence. shows extensive
command of the
essay form,
including clear and
thesis; highly
organization; strong
conclusion. applies grammar,
usage, spelling, and
punctuation with a
high degree of
accuracy and
effectiveness. makes connections
within and between
various contexts
with a high degree
of effectiveness. follows required
style for all
citations and references.