TOPIC – Measuring Social Capital in Disaster Recovery: Community-Led vs. Government-Led Efforts in Canada and the U.S.Paper Format and Structure
Please submit your paper in Word format. Your ~2500 – 3000 word essay (10 – 12 pages) should be double-spaced throughout (no extra spacing before or after sections or paragraphs), have proper APA headings, use 12 pt. Times or Times New Roman font, and include these sections:
Title Page: Your title page should include your name, the date, and the title of the paper, which should all be centred on the page and in the same font as your paper. Please also include a running head on all pages of your paper.
Table of Contents: Your table of contents must link directly to, and build from, the section headings used in your paper. Please use the following heading structure:
Introduction (250 words +/-): In this section, your one or two paragraph introduction will introduce the recovery need (e.g., psychosocial recovery, shelter recovery, small business recovery, livelihood recovery) that you have chosen to study. Note: Remember that with APA style you do not use the word “introduction” as a heading; rather, you just start your paper, or use the title of your paper as the initial heading.
Core Concepts (500 – 750 words): In this section, you will explain the concepts of recovery and sustainable recovery, as well as the core concepts associated with the particular topic you have chosen to study and what sustainable recovery means in relation to your topic. For example, if your paper is on the topic of shelter recovery, you would discuss the main defining concepts used to describe different stages of shelter recovery and whether or not you will be focusing on one of these stages. Further, you would discuss what is meant by sustainable shelter recovery. Each of your descriptions of core concepts must reference at least two separate literature sources.
Synthesis and Analysis (1000 words +/-): In this section, you will present your findings from your review of the literature about what is empirically known about the recovery need and activity you have chosen to study. The assigned readings for this paper (National Research Council, 2006; Smith & Wenger, 2007) provide good examples of how to both synthesize and critically analyze research literature. Begin this section with a short introduction to the themes that emerged from your review of the literature. Please use sub-headings in this section to organize your presentation of information.
Recommendations for Practice (500 – 750 words): Building on the idea that you need to be able to function as a knowledge translator (Fothergill, 2000), in this section you will provide a concise set of recommendations for practice in your own words based on your review and analysis of the literature. In keeping with this, your language in this section should demonstrate your ability to share your findings so the information can be understood by practitioners and thus it should be free of jargon (Fothergill, 2000). Your recommendations for practice should not include any in-text citations, as this part of the assignment is where you give recovery advice to practitioners about how to improve practice in your own words. You may present your recommendations in either paragraph form or using bullet points, with the caveat that you must write in full sentences. An introduction to this section is required.
Conclusion (250 +/- words): You will wrap up your paper with a clear and concise conclusion. Remember, in a conclusion, you do not want to introduce any new information; rather, you provide a summary of the content of the paper.
An abstract is not required.
Jeremy Ogunboye
Department of Disaster and Emergency Management
Royal Roads University
DEMN 553: Disaster Response and Sustainable Recovery
Instructor: Mahmood Fayazi