In a few sentences, summarize Melamed’s characterization and critique of multiculturalism and its role within U.S. society. Using Melamed’s description of multiculturalism as a launching point, how do the three spy narratives that you have selected represent national, racial, and/or ethnic differences? Does the espionage genre, by design, always have an ethnographic character? If so, do spy stories reproduce or challenge racialist or racist modes of representation? Or do these representations depend more on the author than on the genre itself?
BOOKS FOR CITATION three spy narratives
- Native Speaker by Chang-Rae Lee
- Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene
- The Spy Who Came In From the Cold by John le Carré.
- Native Speaker by Chang-Rae Lee
- Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene
- The Spy Who Came In From the Cold by John le Carré.
- Native Speaker by Chang-Rae Lee
- Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene
- The Spy Who Came In From the Cold by John le Carré.