This is supposed to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the intersection between the overall field of human services and assistive technology. My paper’s topic is “Mobility Device Influence as it relates to Social Interaction and Engagement Within a School Setting on Children with Cerebral Palsy” and the purpose of this is to show the intersection between human services and assistive technology while relating to the learning objectives shown in the attached outline document.
You will have an abstract, four sections (about 3 pages a section) plus an introduction and a summary section, and references. Each part / section will start on a new page. APA will be applied to the paper in its entirety. Reference the attached outline for what needs to be included in every section. I am also attaching a paper (“Reference Doc for Comp Paper”) that I had previously written on the topic that could be used for inspiration within a few aspects of the paper like parts 1-3. There are also references included that reference doc that could be utilized for this paper.