Module 2 Case Study Discussion Board-Case Study: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Review the case study “The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks
and answer the questions following the case. 

Case Study Review questions:

  1. What
    characteristics of Henrietta Lack’s story support an argument that she was
    a member of a vulnerable population? How is the fact that this incident
    occurred in 1951 relevant?
  2. What
    bioethical principles were violated by her physicians and nurses in the
    treatment of Henrietta Lacks and her children?
  3. What
    information should have been included in the informed consent process?
  4. The
    original HeLa cell line was developed at the Tuskegee Institute. Explain
    how this relates to the family’s distrust of the researchers.
  5. The
    Lacks family never received financial compensation for their mother’s
    contribution to science. How were they compensated?


Austriaco N, P, G. (2021). Biomedicine and Beatitudes.
Bioethics and the clinical encounter. Ch. 4. (p. 145-168). 

USCCB (2018). Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health
Care Services (ERD). (6
th ed.).
Part three. The Professional-Patient Relationship. (p. 13-15). 

Sulmasy, D. (2006). Is there a need to address the spiritual needs
of patients? Georgetown University Press. (p. 161-185). 

Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Compendium Chapter

Burgess, D., van Ryn, M., Dovidio, J. & Saha, S. (2007).
Reducing racial bias among health care providers: Lessons from social-cognitive
psychology. Journal General Internal Medicine22(6),

Dr. Meinert. (2020)
Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. You tube video. 


2 Case Study Discussion Board:

Participate in the Case Study discussion board by posting a
response to the prompt and responding to one other student. The initial post
should be 500-700 words.

These need to be in APA format.

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