Module 4 Assignment Reflection Paper Assignment (Legal Aspects. Liability, and Regulation)

Please read Chapter 4, and write a double-spaced paper containing approximately 500-700 words in paragraph form answering the questions below. There will be no penalty for writing more than 700 words. Your paper should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking.

You should apply what you read in the textbook and at least two scholarly peer-reviewed resources to your writing (in the form of both paraphrasing and direct quotes using correct APA in-text citations).
Your writing needs to adhere to the APA 7th edition manual for in-text citations and the corresponding reference section at the end of all your responses (including initial and peer responses).
Include all elements of a professional format, which includes, a cover page, an introductory paragraph with clear thesis statements outlining the body of the paper to include logical flow from the clear thesis statements, and a concluding paragraph with a recap of main themes. Refer to the APA 7th edition sample paper for further clarification.
For this assignment, a paragraph is defined as 5-9 complex sentences of approximately 100-150 words each, for a total of 500-700 words.

Assignment: (Legal Aspects. Liability, and Regulation)

In this chapter, you learned about Legal Aspects. Liability, and Regulation. In this assignment, you will apply this information by answering the following questions in writing an essay between 500-700 words. There will be no penalty for writing more than 700 words.

1. Reflect on a personal or professional experience where an understanding of legal concepts would have been beneficial. How might your actions or decisions have been different with that knowledge?

2. Reflect on the significance of the Fourth Amendment in your daily life. Think of instances where you have experienced or witnessed search and seizure practices, and how they align with constitutional principles.

Please also include what you found most interesting about the chapter. Please use at least two additional references other than your course textbook. Please add your name, Introduction to Security 0235, your instructor’s name, and the date to the cover page of your paper.

Please click on the link below to view the video and to stimulate your thinking concerning the subject matter. The videos will assist you with understanding some of the major concepts in Chapter 4.
Please click on the link below to stimulate your thinking concerning the subject matter. Links to an external site.

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