n class, you studied Plato’s Ring of Gyges allegory and what Plato thinks it proves about human nature. Next, you will apply this to the modern-day issue of internet anonymit

PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy (San Jacinto)
Professor Joshua Ellery, J.D., M.A.

Term Paper Assignment

Paper Topic: In class, you studied Plato’s Ring of Gyges allegory and what Plato thinks it proves
about human nature. Next, you will apply this to the modernday issue of internet anonymity.

In this paper you will (1) introduce your topic and (2) give a brief overview of Plato’s Ring of
Gyges allegory. Then, using the modernday issue of internet anonymity, you will (3) explain why
some authors argue that internet anonymity proves Plato is right and it must be eliminated. Next,
you will (4) explain why other authors disagree and argue that internet anonymity must be
maintained. Finally, you will (5) give your own personal position and defend your position.

Due Dates: For this assignment, you will complete a draft AND a final paper. Drafts and final
papers must be uploaded via the course Blackboard site on the following dates:

Draft no later than 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2024

Final Paper no later than 11:59 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024

Weight/Value: Overall, the paper assignment is worth 30% of your total course grade. The draft is
worth 15% and final paper is worth 15%.

Process: After I receive your draft, I will provide feedback including both technical advice
(grammar/style) and substantive comments. The earlier you submit your paper, the sooner you’ll
receive feedback. After you receive feedback, you’ll make revisions and submit your final paper.

Basic Requirements: Your papers must follow these requirements.

Length: At least (minimum) 1,500 total words (approximately six (6) doublespaced pages
plus title page and works cited page). Papers failing to meet this requirement will be heavily
penalized. See attached Grading Rubric for more details.

Structure: Your papers must follow a specific structure, explained in more detail below.

Title page: Your paper must include a standalone title page (i.e., paper title, course name,
semester and year, instructor name, student name, and date.) Do not number the title page.

Citations: A works cited page AND intext citations are required. Additional resources and
information about works cited pages and intext citations is provided below.

o You must use and cite Plato’s Republic. Specifically, you must use/cite the relevant
passages related to the Ring of Gyges allegory.

o You must use and cite at least (minimum) two (2) of the internet anonymity articles
provided. Specifically, you must use/cite at least one (1) for and at least one (1) against
internet anonymity.

o You may NOT use and cite the inclass lectures. Do not use/cite my lectures or
PowerPoint slides.

o You may NOT use and cite any other sources, such as websites, videos, books, other
articles, unless you get permission from me ahead of time.

o Do not go overboard on quotations. If your paper uses excessive quotes, the quoted
material will not count toward the minimum word requirement. The goal is for you to
work through the ideas/arguments yourself and not merely copy what others have said.

o If your paper fails to cite any sources, you will receive an automatic “F.”

Page 2
Required Paper Structure: Your papers must follow a particular structure. There are five (5)
basic components. Next to each, I indicate the minimum length of that section. However, you
absolutely can (and should!) exceed these length suggestions as needed. Remember your ultimate
goal is to write a robust and detailed term paper that follows the required paper structure.

1. Introduction [min. ½ page]: Provide a brief overview of your topic. Here, you’ll say
something about Plato, his Ring of Gyges allegory, and how some authors think it applies to the
issue of internet anonymity. But keep it brief! You’ll go into greater detail later in your paper.
At the end of your introduction, you must include your thesis statement. A good/excellent
thesis statement will have the following features: It will be several sentences in length, it will
provide a brief “roadmap” of your paper’s organization, and it will also summarize your
position(s) and argument(s) clearly and succinctly.

2. Exposition [min. 1 page]: Fully explain Plato’s Ring of Gyges allegory. Your explanation
must be detailed! Your explanation should include: who is discussing the allegory, why are
they bringing it up, how does the ring work, what happens, etc. Your explanation must also
include what Plato thinks the allegory proves about human nature. Does Plato think the
Ring of Gyges brings out the best or worst of us? Here, you should use and cite to Plato’s
Republic to support your explanation.

3. AntiInternet Anonymity [min. 1½ pages, should be 2+ paragraphs]: Fully explain this side of
the debate. Explain why some authors argue that internet anonymity proves Plato is right.
Also include an explanation why these authors argue that internet anonymity must be eliminated
and/or how they’d fix the issue. Be as specific and detailed as possible! Here, you should use
and cite to one (1) or (2) of the provided articles to support your explanation.

4. ProInternet Anonymity [min. 1½ pages, should be 2+ paragraphs]: Fully explain this side of
the debate. Explain why some authors argue that internet anonymity must be maintained and
protected. Be as specific and detailed as possible! Here, you should use and cite to one (1) or
(2) of the provided articles to support your explanation.

5. Conclusion [min, 1½ pages, should be 2+ paragraphs]: State your position(s) AND defend
it/them. First, you’ll need to clearly state your position(s). Do you agree/disagree with Plato’s
conclusions regarding the Ring of Gyges? Do you agree/disagree with the authors regarding
internet anonymity? Should internet anonymity be eliminated/restricted/regulated/protected?
Second, you’ll need to defend your position(s) by giving 1 or 2 wellthought arguments. If you
have multiple positions, you should provide a separate defense for each one.

Formatting Requirements:

Your paper must be typed, doublespaced in 12point Times New Roman font with 1inch
(1”) margins on all sides.

Each page of your paper (except the title page) should include a page number located in
either the upper or lower margin. Do not include a table of contents.

Use MLA Style when giving your intext citations and listing sources on your works cited
page. The following links contain helpful free guides on MLA Style, including examples of
intext citations and works cited pages:
https://library.hccs.edu/mlaguide and

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Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) Policy: You are not authorized to use any AI tool, software, app, or
website to aid your completion of any course assignment (quiz, discussion board, exam, or term
paper). This includes, but is not limited to, ChatGPT, Bard, Textero AI, Grammarly, Quilbot,
Jasper AI, Ryter, and similar tools or programs. Moreover, this is a writing course. You must
write. That means that in this class you are not authorized to use any AIassisted writing tool to
write all or parts of your Term Paper Assignment, discussion boards, or to generate / enhance ideas
or content. You must generate and submit your own original work. Any submitted work that
includes, in whole or in part, AIgenerated content (including, but not limited to, AIassisted
writing, AI generated text, AI paraphrasing, chatbots / bots, or text spinners) will be considered a
violation of academic integrity and earn an automatic “0.” Beware: Using an AI “help” website or
similar online program to revise or enhance your own content could trigger a violation of this AI
Policy because the writing comes from software. Avoid using such programs and websites for this
class as they will lead to violations.

The Rationale: When it comes to the development of human intellect, AI can often be a
detriment or worse a crutch. The college experience is intended to be a transformational
process you should leave a different person than where you started! This is a time to acquire
new knowledge and skills, to explore and grow in meaningful ways, to expand your creative
freedoms, to problemsolve, and to contribute your own ideas in authentic ways. And this class
is specifically a space for doing that, while also learning how to improve your writing. The use
(and abuse) of AI robs you of those opportunities.

Academic Dishonesty: You are expected to strictly adhere to the College’s policy on academic
dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism. However, it also includes other forms of
cheating including, but not limited to the following: manipulating documents to change word count
or metadata; the use of content generating apps or programs (including AI); reusing previously
submitted papers; or outsourcing your work (having someone else write the paper for you). If you
have any questions about academic dishonesty or what constitutes plagiarism, please contact me so
that I can address your question. Any student submitting papers including drafts containing
any plagiarism or academic dishonesty will receive an automatic zero (“0”) for the entire
term paper assignment and will be reported to the College.

Late Penalty: Unless excused by me, the penalties for late submissions are, as follows:

Draft Five (5) point penalty for every day late past the due date. Draft papers more than
five (5) days late will not be accepted.

Final Paper I will not accept final papers after the due date.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this assignment. Good luck!

Professor Ellery

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