Needs Identification Essay – Civic Engagement Research Project/ use two journal articles

This essay will include a description about your online search for a not-for-profit organization in your community and how you determine possible educational needs of the organization on the topics of technology, ethics, and policy. You will need to use two journal articles as examples of why your chosen organization needs education on the topics above, and how the organization would benefit from learning about these topics. 

Your assignment is to identify a not-for-profit organization that you are going to hypothetically work with and to describe how you went about searching for this organization. Afterward, write an essay on your search, process, and research.


  • Conduct an online search for a not-for-profit organization in the community. *Students taking the class as a Global Citizen course must select an international not-for-profit organization*
  • Provide a description about your online search for the organization, i.e., your identification and selection process for the organization and the research you have completed to learn about this organization and related organizations in the community,
  • Research and explain possible issues of information technology needs and uses by not-for-profit organizations. You will do this  by reviewing two research journal articles studying the importance and impact of technology for such organizations and the factors that might influence technology adoption and use, such as lack of funds, expertise, etc., and how this research might relate to the organization you selected for the project. You may use the USF Library database to find journal articles.
  • APA 7 Student format is required throughout the essay: Example linkLinks to an external site.
    • Try using Academic WriterLinks to an external site. – a library database that formats references and papers that are stored in your *account  (*establish account after accessing the database and creating your login/password).
  • Suggested Essay Length: 600-1000 words plus an APA 7 Student format reference page.
  • *Tip* closely follow the Rubric below when writing your essay:

  • Rubric

    Points (5)

    Provide a description of your online search for a nonprofit organization in the community. Discuss the research you did to learn about possible organizations and how you decided on your chosen organization.


    Provide an overview of the 2 research journal resources you’ve found and how they relate to your chosen non-profit organization.


    Provide an overview of technology topics the organization might need more information about.


    Analyze why it’s evident the organization needs the information listed above.


    •  APA 7 Student format (ex. title page, page number in header, double-space, reference page, etc.)
    • Introductory, body, and conclusion paragraphs
    •  .doc or .docx file
    • Limited spelling and grammar errors 12-point font

    Each major error is worth -.25 of a point.

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