I will have to do a 20 minute video presentation. I require 15 PowerPoint presentation slides with a few not detailed speaker notes and also references slide/s to be included. Please see attached perfect example and to clarify requirements.
Occupational Therapy as a Complex Intervention (OTCI)
A group work intervention powerpoint presentation with speaker notes:
Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating Group Interventions
Learning Outcome 1. Explain and critically synthesise concepts of cultural competency and cultural humility to occupational therapy practice with a diverse range of people.
Learning Outcome 2. Creatively and critically apply models of occupation and demonstrate professional reasoning for evidence-based individual and group work occupation-based and/or occupation-focused assessments and interventions.
Learning Outcome 3. Critically appraise and apply a range of evidence that informs the quality, safety, timing, effectiveness and outcomes of occupational therapy practice
Learning Outcome 4. Evaluate own performance of facilitating occupational therapy interventions
Please present an evidence based, occupation-based group intervention for enhanced occupational participation for a group of people who are at risk of eating disorder/disordered eating.
Student primary care setting:
All students
Aged 18-23
Male, Female, all gender
All experiencing disordered eating
Focus on changing and hopefully stopping the disordered eating.
All a little chaotic in their self care skills (caring for self)
Case studies – young adults (age 18-23):
1.Mimi – restricting eating since starting at university as way of controlling weight and as a result of chaotic lifestyle. At risk of dropping out of university. Wants to “re-establish a routine and start looking after myself”
2.Jack – lost a lot of weight and presenting with some avoidance of eating – signs of low mood and anxiety. Using the gym a lot and aiming for pronounced muscles and small waist. Acknowledges this has “gone too far” and wants to “be healthy and look good without developing full eating disorder”
3.Satnam – no routine, and habits chaotic, drinking and partying a lot. Lost a lot of weight and struggling with anxiety around certain food. Realises a lot is at stake as far as missing a lot of university and hopes he can “turn things around”.
4.Ruby – a gymnast, concerns re’ weight management and over exercise. Does gymnastics every day as well as running and yoga. Also loves swimming and cooking but thinks her desire to be low weight “has possibly gone too far”.
5.Fred – a long distance competitive runner – struggling with fatigue, as diet insufficient, anxious to compete and win. Beginning to feel out of control and is beginning to be worried that their diet “needs some work”
6.Ana – left home for the first time and is struggling to establish healthy eating habits (never learned how to cook and look after herself whilst at home. Says “I’d like to be able to look after myself but have no clue where to start”
7.Joe – is trying to lose weight, now restricting food (an apple a day at worst) and losing weight rapidly. He is aware his BMI is now 18 and went to GP for help.
Things to consider:
-Consider the trigger information for Eating Disorder and Groupwork
-Do not be concerned with Eating Disorder (ED)/ Disordered Eating (DE) these are students for whom occupational therapy for ED will apply – consider it as the earlier stages.
-What are the implications of the issues the students present with?
-Search for literature on disordered eating and eating disorders – use literature to justify professional reasoning/decisions
-Apply a model throughout
-Consider how the literature inform/ applies to the group of students
-Aim to synthesise the results (making connections/putting things together/ help others see the connections between things. For example, when you report to a friend the things that several other friends have said about a song or movie, you are engaging in synthesis).
Suggested Format:
1.Introduce the group theme, programme and session (EG. 8 sessions with theme for each session, focus on session 4 which is focusing on (examples), model of choice.
2. Present how theory and evidence-based practice apply to your specific group intervention.
3. Discuss your chosen intervention and how you would address delivery of the intervention
4. State how would you evaluate the group intervention.
5. Conclude with a brief summary
6.Refences list
Suggested Format:
1. Introduce a critical justification for group work, including the theory of groupwork.
2 .Present a critical discussion of the literature informing your clinical reasoning for the design of an 8 week group programme and specifically focusing in on your choice of intervention for 1 session (eg session 4).
3 .Present an 8-week group programme and discuss 1 session in detail (demo optional).
4. State how would you evaluate the group intervention.
5. Conclude with a brief summary