One-page product overview, at least 12pt font, 1-inch margins, featuring a meaningful graphic/illustration, uploaded to Blackboard by the due date.
Task: You will complete this assignment in a few different stages. First, you will choose your product. It should be something already existing and have plenty of readily information available about it. You want to be able to research competitors, costs, and benefits in order to construct your one-pager. Once you have your product, conduct research and then put together a draft that contains all the following information:
Task: You will complete this assignment in a few different stages. First, you will choose your product. It should be something already existing and have plenty of readily information available about it. You want to be able to research competitors, costs, and benefits in order to construct your one-pager. Once you have your product, conduct research and then put together a draft that contains all the following information:
Product Name
Image of Product
General Desciption
What Issues is Solves/Why it’s a great product: This may include any of the following: Documentation of the market need, shortcomings of existing competitive products, and definition of the target market and its size. This will likely highlight your unique selling proposition.
3 Closest Competitors with Comparison (ideally using a chart or graph of some kind)
2 Real Consumer Testimonials
Contact Information for the Company
An appealing design that reflects the product. I suggest using the free design program called Canva for this:
*Once you have completed your final draft, upload this to Blackboard as a PDF.*
Purpose:The assignment is designed to help you develop a concise, engaging, and clear overview of a product in the form of a βone pager.β A one-pager is an increasingly common marketing tool, used to give an overview of a company, product, or service that can easily be shared and digested. The goal of this assignment is to help you practice how to create this specific genre (the one-pager) as well as practicing concision and clarity. Since all the information about the product or service is already existing, your job is to synthesize it into a concise and compelling package.
The task links to the following course-level learning objectives:
Purpose:The assignment is designed to help you develop a concise, engaging, and clear overview of a product in the form of a βone pager.β A one-pager is an increasingly common marketing tool, used to give an overview of a company, product, or service that can easily be shared and digested. The goal of this assignment is to help you practice how to create this specific genre (the one-pager) as well as practicing concision and clarity. Since all the information about the product or service is already existing, your job is to synthesize it into a concise and compelling package.
The task links to the following course-level learning objectives:
Produce clear, concise, and persuasive professional communication of various types.
Produce evidence-based and argumentatively sound professional communication of various types.
Habitually revise and edit work before sending, delivering, or submitting it.
Evaluation: This assignment will be evaluated using the corresponding rubric. Since this will go through multiple rounds of peer-review and editing and has two weeks allocated to it, the baseline expectations for formatting and mechanical precision are high. Errors such as typos, incorrect formatting, or careless writing will have a significant negative impact; this task is about polish. Organization and clarity are also of key importance here. The one-pager should communicate a clear message and do so with an obvious organizational structure.