Oral presentation of a research proposal is a vital skill for the researcher. This assignment will
give the student practical experience with this skill.
Each doctoral student will complete one (1) video presentation at the conclusion of this course.
The student will post one video of approximately 15-20 minutes in length.
Video presentations must cover each and every major component of the student’s research
proposal. The research question, dependent variable, IVs, anticipated theoretical significance,
hypothesis(es), variable conceptualization and measurement, data, observable implications,
methods, case selection (if applicable), generalizability of anticipated findings, and
practical/policy implications should be clearly and properly delineated. Presentation of these
components should be logical in flow. Students must address strengths and weaknesses in their
research designs and suggest concrete solutions for overcoming weaknesses in the project’s
Students should think of and structure this presentation as an academic conference presentation.
The focus of the presentation should be on the research design, justification(s) for research
design choices, and the contribution that the project will make to academic literature.
Oral Presentation: The Impact of Governance Reforms on Socio-Political Stability and Poverty Alleviation in Fragile Nations: A Comparative Analysis of Haiti and Colombia
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