I’m doing a powerpoint presentation regarding Organic vs. Non-Organic: Navigating Health, Economic, and Environment Considerations. I need a description of my actucal audience 125 words summarizing the strengths of my test audience. Then 125 words summarizing their weakness.
My test audience are listed below: 3 family members
My daughter 11 years old (She is very familiar about organic foods that what we eat in our household)
Husband 42 years old (He is very familiar with Organic foods thats what we eat in our household)
Mom 57 years old
Description of your Actual Audience: Describe your βtestβ audience members. Note if they are friends, colleagues, relatives, or other. There is no need to identify them by name. In 125 words or more, summarize the strengths of your test audience. For example, state why you believe they will take their role seriously and offer any similarities they may have to your intended audience. For example, if your intended audience includes one parent of lower-elementary students, you might explain that you have one audience member with an exact match to your intended audience.
Then, in 125 words or more, summarize the weaknesses of your test audience. For example, if one of your audience members has no children, you might note that at least one of your audience members does not have similar experiences to your intended audience.