For this assignment, you are being asked to conduct an organizational analysis of an organization with a focus on social justice. You are not simply being asked if your organization provides services that are socially just or culturally competent, but are also being asked to describe how/if the organization is structured and operates in ways that are conducive to social justice and anti-oppressive practice. This paper can be based on the agency where you are currently completing your field placement, the agency where you are employed, or an agency for which you have interned or worked in the past.
The paper should be written in narrative form, approximately 5-6 pages double-spaced, and in APA style. Include at least five (5) references, which should include readings related to the concepts identified in the assignment. These should be listed on an APA-formatted reference in the back of your paper. There should be no quotes; need to paraphrase and then provide citation. Your paper should address the following sections:
Introduction—provide a brief intro about what you’ll be discussing in this paper (0.25-0.50 page).
Describe the role of various aspects of organizational structure and relevant organizational theories, including how power and authority is distributed throughout the organization (e.g. who makes major decisions, how changes come about, and who has the most influence on general organizational functioning and service delivery, etc.). If possible, review the organization’s organizational chart and gain a better understanding of the structure (1-1.5 pages).
Describe the organizational culture at your agency. Include discussion describing how our ethical principle of social justice and commitment to anti-oppressive practice is implemented or not (who’s hired, who is in what positions, etc.). Consider what aspects of the organizational culture influence a socially just practice (1-1.5 pages).
Identify AND explain one (1) strength and one (1) challenge of the organization. Focus on various areas of an organization such as funding, supervision, staffing, performance evaluation, professional development, leadership development, or other related areas of an organization (1 page).
Briefly discuss a plan to address the challenge identified in the previous section through a rights- and justice-based framework. Discuss how you would approach correcting the issue. Incorporate relevant readings to support your course of action (0.75-1 page).
Conclusion—provide a brief overview about your paper discussed (0.25-0.50 page).