Organization’s current strategic planning process alignment with the trends and evolutions discussed in the article

Read  Bryson’s (2010) article in the attachment “
The Future of Public and Nonprofit Strategic Planning”.

The article focuses on the evolution and future trends in strategic planning within U.S. governments and nonprofit organizations. Bryson examines several strategic planning challenges for public and nonprofit organizations. According to Bryson, overcoming these challenges requires a tailored approach to strategic planning, one that acknowledges the unique context and constraints of public and nonprofit organizations. 



  • How does your organization’s current strategic planning process align with the trends and evolutions discussed in the article? Identify your organization’s main strategic planning challenges and discuss how Bryson’s approaches could provide solutions.


Below is my organizations 2022 Strategic plan. Crowd control of covid, managing adequite staffing. Having staff to clean rooms timiely which also support bed capacities and It mentions press ganey survey improvement. Which is improving patient feedback scores.

“The Strategic Plan governs many

aspects of ( not the real named  medical facility) and its decision

making. It will set general priorities for

crucial strategic tasks, including

growing services, expanding our

clinical footprint and bed capacities,

and engaging our workforce. The

Strategic Plan transcends individual

people and leaders. The Strategic Plan

drives succession planning and

remains relevant regardless of

leadership changes.

Our patients and students deserve the

same access to these best practices.

Only quality — in everything we do —

can improve our scores and, in turn,


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