The word count for this is 2000 words, you can go 10% below or above meaning 1800 words minimum and 22200 words maximum. Here are some things i would like covered,
Intro 400-500 words: What is Osteoarthritis, include some details on Epidemiology
Main aspect 900-1100 words: What causes osteoathritis, discuss wear and tear and also inflammatory changes within the joints, focussing in on the role that Tumour Necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) and Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1b) playin development of the disease- discuss their effects at the molecular, cellular chondrocyte and tissue (cartillage) level within the joint.
Current therapies 400- 500 words: Describe why Glucocorticoids, NSAIDs, Capsaicin gel are prescribed for this pathology, highlight their mechanism of action and what mediators they modulate to affect the disease progression, also highlight side effects and limitations of use.
References: Please include a references list at the end, all done in Harvard referencing style, listed in alphabetical order, the references do count towards the word count so bear that in mind (number of articles referenced is completely up to you but at least around 5 please)
Use of intext citations when necessary also done in Harvard style.
Thanks 🙂