
Select any middle range nursing theory and do a PowerPoint presentation on ways in which the theory is applicable to your practice.Select any middle range nursing theory and do a PowerPoint presentation on ways in which the theory is applicable to your practice.

Purpose      Select any middle range nursing theory and do a PowerPoint presentation on ways in which the  theory is applicable to your practice. End of Course Student  Learning Outcomes      Critically analyze the philosophical underpinnings of nursing theories.      Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories.      Examine the influence that nursing […]

Respond to each case scenario question with a meaningful and thoughtful response.Respond to each case scenario question with a meaningful and thoughtful response.

Case Scenario Sally is a 19-year-old, heterosexual, Afro-Latina female who is able-bodied. She resides with her parents in a middle-class neighborhood and is attending community college locally. She was referred by the hospital for outpatient mental health services after alcohol intoxication, in addition to which she also reportedly consumed a significant amount of Advil (20 […]

The Islamic Perspective: Exploring God’s Existence through the Lens of Avicenna’s PhilosophyThe Islamic Perspective: Exploring God’s Existence through the Lens of Avicenna’s Philosophy

Imagine you meet someone who does not believe in God. Write a two-page paper on how you would try to prove God’s existence to them using the approach you think would work the best for a non-believer today. Make sure you’ve done the following:Name the Islamic Philosopher: Choose an Islamic philosopher or scholar whose ideas […]

Why is it possible to claim that in British North America, freedom and liberty developed out of “unfreedom?”Why is it possible to claim that in British North America, freedom and liberty developed out of “unfreedom?”

MUST USE TWO DOCS ATTACHED BELOW  THIS IS MY THESIS STATEMENTFEEL FREE TO CHANGE  From its colonial past, the United States of America has been seen as a symbol of freedom and diversity. However, from the start, the liberties enjoyed by Americans were influenced by a variety of religious and ethnic identities that gave some […]

Analyzing Practice Issues at Local ,state, National, and.Global level.( Workplace violence and Safety in US Healthcare)Analyzing Practice Issues at Local ,state, National, and.Global level.( Workplace violence and Safety in US Healthcare)

submission type; graph. Create a table, chart, graph, or other visual representation highlighting key similarities and differences between local, state, national, and global levels for the practice issue you identified and research in previous weeks. 5:26 PM v PRO TIP TurnltIn must be able to read your document for you to get credit. If your […]

How do online communities within the body positive, Health at Every Size (HAES), and fat acceptance movements express extreme ideologies, and what are the potential health implications associated with these extremes, both individually and collectively?How do online communities within the body positive, Health at Every Size (HAES), and fat acceptance movements express extreme ideologies, and what are the potential health implications associated with these extremes, both individually and collectively?

I will attach the instructions for the assignment and please follow them carefully, I will also include an example of a paper I wrote for this class so you can use it as an anchor, and I will attach 2 sources which I found to be really good for this paper. I will basically be […]

Develop a proposal for investing in a renewable energy (either solar, wind, hydro or bioenergy) project in Canada. You should consider the economic feasibility, environmental benefits, and potential challenges.Develop a proposal for investing in a renewable energy (either solar, wind, hydro or bioenergy) project in Canada. You should consider the economic feasibility, environmental benefits, and potential challenges.

write the abstract introduction and conclusion in total not across 1000words  Develop a proposal for investing in a renewable energy (either solar, wind, hydro or bioenergy) project in Canada. You should consider the economic feasibility, environmental benefits, and potential challenges. bsed on those thesis and also the article below

. An excellent essay will say something by way of critically examining and evaluating Socrates’ critique of rhetoric.. An excellent essay will say something by way of critically examining and evaluating Socrates’ critique of rhetoric.

Socrates suggests that rhetoric (as it is practiced by Gorgeous) is not an area of expertise (or craft, the Greek term that Waterfleld translates with ‘area of expertise’ is ‘tekhne’) but rather merely a branch of flattery and as such a mere knack. What does this mean? What reasons does Socrates give for thinking this? […]

Using 500-700 words, per the week 7 lesson and assigned readings, provide an overview of the rationale as to why some view the American process of rendering criminal justice as a non-system. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.Using 500-700 words, per the week 7 lesson and assigned readings, provide an overview of the rationale as to why some view the American process of rendering criminal justice as a non-system. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.

Using 500-700 words, per the week 7 lesson and assigned readings, provide an overview of the rationale as to why some view the American process of rendering criminal justice as a non-system. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.   Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with […]