
Please read the following scenario and then create the deliverables listed below,Please read the following scenario and then create the deliverables listed below,

Please read the following scenario and then create the deliverables listed below, Use case diagram Interaction diagram Create the core and supporting classes of the RIM (Entity, Role, Role Relationship, Participation, Act, Act Relationship) similar to the one in slide 20 in the live session (PowerPoint slide in the file titled “INFM635_WeekLiveSlide-1” that has been […]

Sensory transduction: Learn why you feel pain when you get hit by a rock Lab ReportSensory transduction: Learn why you feel pain when you get hit by a rock Lab Report

A. Directions Step 1: Download and review the lab report file. * Lab report link listed below* 2: Complete the simulation and fill in each part of the lab report file as you work through the Activity. Prompts in the lab report will help you develop your responses. Follow the process presented to you […]

What opportunities and what challenges does the digital age pose for a heritage researcherWhat opportunities and what challenges does the digital age pose for a heritage researcher

you must write an essay that addresses onediscussion question from Units 1, 2, or 4. Regardless of your choice of question, your essay must include a critical assessment of the required readings, as well as consider additional materials (at least five journal articles or monographs) that you have found on your own. You may also offer insights […]

Ultimate Interview associated with Hidden in Plain Sight: Fighting Homelessness in Spokane film to include:Ultimate Interview associated with Hidden in Plain Sight: Fighting Homelessness in Spokane film to include:

Students will watch a film in class on a community in crisis with a view of preparingfor the ultimate job interview. Based on what was learned in the film, each studentwill develop a written proposal that includes an analysis brief on the current crisisand a proposed plan of action if chosen as the new social […]

Annotated Bibliography on Unwed Mothers’ Homes in Minnesota circa 1940s to the 1960sAnnotated Bibliography on Unwed Mothers’ Homes in Minnesota circa 1940s to the 1960s

rite an annotated bibliography that contains entries for EIGHT primary sources and EIGHT secondary sources. Your bibliography should also include any tertiary sources you have consulted. You may not use Wikipedia as a source in your paper. An essay in the . . . . . It should contain the following: (1) A working title […]

Homework for FSHN 2 class Collect 40 achromatic found items representing a range from white to light gray to medium gray to dark gray to black.Homework for FSHN 2 class Collect 40 achromatic found items representing a range from white to light gray to medium gray to dark gray to black.

Collect 40  achromatic found items representing a range from white to light gray to medium gray to dark gray to black. There should be a variety of materials and textures, not all paper.  Organize in sequence by comparison. Whitest white should be at one end and blackest black should be at the other end. Compare by squinting. […]

Time Perception Across Generations: A Study on Watch vs. Phone Time Checking Behavior”Time Perception Across Generations: A Study on Watch vs. Phone Time Checking Behavior”

For your paper, the lit review should be a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages (12 pt. type — Times New Roman, 1″ margins). The first paragraph should provide a statement of your problem. You should outline what you’re going to discuss in your literature review. In the body of the review, you want to use […]


Please find attached a part of the work I started on. you can use that as a continuation or can start new. I would really appreciate it if you could use the work I have partly done. Please consider the following as well: 1. USE OF BANKS – commercial banks (DATA SHOULD BE DOWNLOADED FFROM […]

Students learn in a variety of settings and environments. Group learning creates an environment of engagement and motivation. It gives students a chance to learn from each other in a cooperative learning setting.Students learn in a variety of settings and environments. Group learning creates an environment of engagement and motivation. It gives students a chance to learn from each other in a cooperative learning setting.

Part 1: Classroom Design Based on your own research, select a digital tool or other appropriate strategy to create and design your own classroom. Your design should focus on group and cooperative learning in the classroom environment and include: The layout of the classroom. Where the desks/tables will be placed to facilitate group learning. Where […]

You are to choose a topic that involves American government. The topic must exam some aspect of American government that highlights your responsibilities a citizen in a democratic societyYou are to choose a topic that involves American government. The topic must exam some aspect of American government that highlights your responsibilities a citizen in a democratic society

You can choose whatever topic you feel comfortable writing that involves American Government. Bibliography Sheet Current not historical political issue or problem Paper length—a minimum of 1000 words of text, type-written double spaced.  This excludes headings or any other non-text lines such as title page and work cited page.  Everything else being equal, the longer your […]