
Organization’s current strategic planning process alignment with the trends and evolutions discussed in the articleOrganization’s current strategic planning process alignment with the trends and evolutions discussed in the article

Read  Bryson’s (2010) article in the attachment “The Future of Public and Nonprofit Strategic Planning”. The article focuses on the evolution and future trends in strategic planning within U.S. governments and nonprofit organizations. Bryson examines several strategic planning challenges for public and nonprofit organizations. According to Bryson, overcoming these challenges requires a tailored approach to […]

Venezuela Blockchain Tech & Cryptocurrency adoption to address food insecurity/Intersection of human rights and migrationVenezuela Blockchain Tech & Cryptocurrency adoption to address food insecurity/Intersection of human rights and migration

This term paper will discuss an area of great concern for Global Studies researchers; the intersectin of human rights and migration as these dynamics relate to the use of digital technology.  HERE IS THE AREA OF GREAT CONERN TO WRITE ABOUT: Discuss the intersection of human rights and migration in relation to the recent use […]

Write a definition argument for one of the following topics: 1. Is fan fiction a form of literature? 2. Is blogging (or vlogging) a type of journalism?Write a definition argument for one of the following topics: 1. Is fan fiction a form of literature? 2. Is blogging (or vlogging) a type of journalism?

Write a definition argument for the following topic: Is fan fiction a form of literature? Expectations and Requirements: Your essay must follow the Definition Argument Structure. (See slides for Module 12) Your essay should use 3 definition criteria for the bolded concept in your question. It should also include a counter-argument and your rebuttal to it. Your essay […]

impact of room organization on individuals’ focus levels during cognitive tasks (specifically reading comprehension)impact of room organization on individuals’ focus levels during cognitive tasks (specifically reading comprehension)

For your paper, the lit review should be a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages (12 pt. type — Times New Roman, 1″ margins). The first paragraph should provide a statement of your problem. You should outline what you’re going to discuss in your literature review. In the body of the review, you want to use […]

Health Promotion Presentation: Physical Activity in childhood decreases childhood obesity and lowers risk for development of chronic diseasesHealth Promotion Presentation: Physical Activity in childhood decreases childhood obesity and lowers risk for development of chronic diseases

Referencing material from the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion website ( and, prepare a presentation focusing on how physical activity in children decreases childhood obesity and contributes to chronic disease prevention. The presentation must be appropriate for a 4th-grade literacy level.  Outcomes: To develop student BSN nurse’s communication skills for a 4th-grade […]

create Choose 3 works of art to join your temporary exhibition. These works can be from the NCMA but do not have to be – as a curator, you have the prerogative to ask other museums if you can “borrow” their works.create Choose 3 works of art to join your temporary exhibition. These works can be from the NCMA but do not have to be – as a curator, you have the prerogative to ask other museums if you can “borrow” their works.

For this paper, you are going to play the part of a curator. A ‘curator’ is “a person who organizes the collection and exhibition of objects / artworks in a museum or gallery” (Gateways, 688). As a curator, you are going to put together an exhibit for a gallery in the NCMA.   Choose 3 […]

Race for What’s Left: the Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources by Michael KlareRace for What’s Left: the Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources by Michael Klare

Book Critique:  Intro-Chp 5 only.  This should not be a summary of the text.  Address issues such as methodology, sources, audience, alternative interpretations, relation to other readings (Plutopia by Kate Brown, Being Nuclear by Gabrielle Hetch) and further questions or predictions about the content of the rest of the book.  Must include exact quotes from the […]

Position Paper setting a minimum age for juvenile justice jurisdiction in CaliforniaPosition Paper setting a minimum age for juvenile justice jurisdiction in California

Instructions Write a Position Paper based upon the specific topic you selected from the CQ Researcher to write your Describing Policy Problems Assignment on in Module 3: Week 3. The Position Paper should be written from the perspective of a non-profit organization that is concerned about the issue. You will pretend to be the organization’s […]

For this assignment, you will analyze the historical accuracy of a movie set in a place and timeFor this assignment, you will analyze the historical accuracy of a movie set in a place and time

Paragraph 1 – briefly describe what is the basic plot of the movie? What is it about?  Paragraph 2 analyze a specific event, battle, people, politic, culture, clothing, custom, norm, art, whatever, and how they are depicted? Are they accurate, according to your sources? Does the movie embellish any? Write a historical analysis here of […]

Chapter 6 Exercise 1: Staffing Challenge – Improving the Talent Pipeline at McAfeeChapter 6 Exercise 1: Staffing Challenge – Improving the Talent Pipeline at McAfee

This chapter’s opening Staffing Challenge illustrated how McAfee created a more engaged talent community to improve its sourcing of top talent. Reread this Staffing Challenge.   If you had to choose only three metrics for McAfee to use to evaluate the effectiveness of its talent community in sourcing top talent, what would they be? Why […]