
Budgeting for a Rapid Re-Housing project and proposing an updated lease addendumBudgeting for a Rapid Re-Housing project and proposing an updated lease addendum

Throughout the semester, students will have completed deliverables initially identified in the integrative project proposal. At the end of the semester, students will submit a 15-page paper outlining the components and ultimate outcomes of their project. Students must pay particular attention to the theoretical perspective that guided their project, incorporating at least five sources that […]

you can freely choose any topicrelevant to Visual merchandise store design can freely choose any topicrelevant to Visual merchandise store design trend.

source Description: In a short introduction, please describe the source you used andwhat type of articles can be found from this source. For example, “WWD (Women’sWear Daily) is a trade journal that encompasses information and intelligence on theever-evolving trends and breaking news in men’s and women’s fashion, beauty andretail industries with readership in fashion marketing, […]

plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issueplan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue

Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview and identified the issue, you will determine and present an objective for an interdisciplinary intervention to address the issue. Length of submission: Use the provided template. Remember that part of this assessment is to make the plan easy to understand and use, so it is critical that […]

Do we underestimate the challenges of taking knowledge out of its original context and transferring it to a different context? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.Do we underestimate the challenges of taking knowledge out of its original context and transferring it to a different context? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

 With the pictures attached please follow the rubric precisely. Focus on the two areas of knowledge, human sciences and history. If you know the 12 TOK key concepts, please talk about which one best fit this essay ( refer to google if you don’t know the key concepts). Break down the question and create subquestions […]

Book Unreview – Powerpoint Presentation – Dorsey, Hirelings: African American Workers and Free Labor in Early MarylandBook Unreview – Powerpoint Presentation – Dorsey, Hirelings: African American Workers and Free Labor in Early Maryland

This project will be in the format of a POWERPOINT – With Pictures and sslides. I will need a seperate script of what to say when presenting the powerpoint referenced of of the book in the header. I have linked the professors directions below. Everyone will choose an e-book on a topic that relates to […]

Uber: Applying Machine Learning to Improve the Customer Pickup Experience Cast StudyUber: Applying Machine Learning to Improve the Customer Pickup Experience Cast Study

Uber: Applying Machine Learning to Improve the Customer Pickup Experience  5Q: Based on your pickup quality metric, what actions can Uber operators take to improve the pickup  experience? 6Q: How would you improve the pickup experience at venues such as sporting events and concerts, which typically see temporary surges in demand for Uber rides, as […]

power point presentationProvide a summary of the health disparity, cultural competency, and ethical issues in the article or video. Describe your reaction to the video or article and what we can do as mental health providers.power point presentationProvide a summary of the health disparity, cultural competency, and ethical issues in the article or video. Describe your reaction to the video or article and what we can do as mental health providers.

To prepare for your PowerPoint video presentation, review the video below:    Thurston Films. (2018, May 17). LGBT ME: A Conversation on Mental Health within the LGBT Community (short documentary)

Compare Heidegger’s and Horkheimer’s critiques of reason—in terms of the readings we have covered on the course.Compare Heidegger’s and Horkheimer’s critiques of reason—in terms of the readings we have covered on the course.

it can ONLY use the sources I PROVIDED!!! QUOTE EVERYTHING !! no AI PLEASE, I WILL TIP  U IF THE GRADE IS GOOD  You must quote from the texts to support your argument; otherwise your paper will receivean F = 0.You must use the editions and translations on the course; otherwise your paper will receive an […]

Ethical and legal considerations of the use of artificial intelligence in specific areas of businessEthical and legal considerations of the use of artificial intelligence in specific areas of business

The final project offers students the opportunity to explore one of the many themes presented in a final term paper. Students are encouraged to choose topics that are relevant to their undergraduate major. The range of potential topics is broad, but the topics must be related to ethics in business. Some sample topics include: Code […]

Read the attached article and complete a SWOT analysis of Amazon entering India.Read the attached article and complete a SWOT analysis of Amazon entering India.

Read the attached article and complete a SWOT analysis of Amazon entering India. Use specific examples from the article. Be sure to consider the culture and customer expectations in India (rather than the US) in your analysis. What advice do you have for Amazon (be very specific)? You might want to review the expectations for essay submissions […]