wk5 In Abnormal Psychology: Clinical and Scientific Perspectives Read chapters 9 Book Link: https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781517815233/pageid/17 U – previously provided PW – previously provided Read Chapters 9 respond to the following: Be sure to include numbers (1, 2, 3) to organize your post or separate with paragraphs and include page numbers from the textbook. 1) Sexual dysfunctions are considered common. Give specific examples […]
Theories of Counseling – Read one chapters – Watch video 9read transcripts) wrtie 300 word discussionTheories of Counseling – Read one chapters – Watch video 9read transcripts) wrtie 300 word discussion
wk 5 Book Access Read Chapters 10 in the book link below Use name and PW previously provided https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9798214354910/epubcfi/6/16[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dbd-JNCA71SCK5LPRNLD0337]!/4/2[JNCA71SCK5LPRNLD0337] Chapter 10 discusses Donald Meichenbaum’s proposed three-phase process of behavior change. Please list and define the three phases. With this process in mind, can you think of a time in your life when you were trying to […]
The relationship between social media usage and body dissatisfaction and self esteem among adults between 18-25, both male and femaleThe relationship between social media usage and body dissatisfaction and self esteem among adults between 18-25, both male and female
I will be sending my honours project proposal for which you can use and paraphrase all my work and write in depth, adding in a number of sources and provide explanation to the three theories I will be using, (the three theories I will be using Social Comparison theory, Cultivation theory and Self-Objectification theory) backing […]
Theories of Counseling – Read one chapters, watch two videos and wrtie 300 word discussionTheories of Counseling – Read one chapters, watch two videos and wrtie 300 word discussion
wk 4 Book Access Read Chapters 7 in the book link below Use name and PW previously provided https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9798214354910/epubcfi/6/16[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dbd-JNCA71SCK5LPRNLD0337]!/4/2[JNCA71SCK5LPRNLD0337] https://www.psychotherapy.net/video/person-centered-therapy-carl-rogers https://youtu.be/uRCD3anKsa0 After reading Ch. 7 and watching the video interview of Carl Rogers link 1 and transcripts attached), please list and define each of the three core therapeutic conditions (congruence/genuineness, unconditional positive regard, empathy) of person […]
Describe and analyze the process of socialization. Next, analyze at least 4 agents of socialization that have affected your development as an individual, focusing on childhood socialization into adulthood.Describe and analyze the process of socialization. Next, analyze at least 4 agents of socialization that have affected your development as an individual, focusing on childhood socialization into adulthood.
Option 1: Describe and analyze the process of socialization. Begin with responding to the question “Who Am I?” In your description, make sure to incorporate the concepts we have addressed in the course, such as roles, statuses, group membership, etc. Your response to this question should be at least 1+ page in length. Next, analyze at least 4 agents […]
Compare Jimmy Hendrix’ cover of “All Along the Watchtower” to Bob Dylan’s original.Compare Jimmy Hendrix’ cover of “All Along the Watchtower” to Bob Dylan’s original.
Take into account musical aspects such as vocal timbre, singing quality, instrumentation, guitar performance style and overall sound of each piece. In addition to the discussion, also answer the following questions: Does the musical setting affect the meaning of the words? What is the most prominent feature of each version? You may use the MUSI 1310 […]
Expressiveness of Algorithms: Possibilities of Artistic Expression in Generative ArtExpressiveness of Algorithms: Possibilities of Artistic Expression in Generative Art
I’m writing my master’s but I’m stuck on certain moments. It should be comparative analysis of generative artworks in portraits genre specifically Espen Kluge Alternatives and Mario Klingemann Memories of Passerby. I’m done with writing artworks descriptions and biographies in general, so I would like to request theoretical part + comparative analysis. I also would […]
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on private sector in Azerbaijan: Insights from World Bank Enterprise SurveysImpact of COVID-19 pandemic on private sector in Azerbaijan: Insights from World Bank Enterprise Surveys
The research topic has not been clearly formulated yet. The data should be taken from World Bank Enterprise Surveys. They have done COVID-19 related surveys in many countries, including Azerbaijan. I have uploaded the general information and questionnaire. The Stata file of the survey conducted in Azerbaijan can be downloaded from the link below. https://www.enterprisesurveys.org/en/covid-19 […]
Research Paper about Kicking Colonialism to Pan-Arabism: Football’s Journey in Shaping Egyptian National IdentityResearch Paper about Kicking Colonialism to Pan-Arabism: Football’s Journey in Shaping Egyptian National Identity
I want the final paper be like this: Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Limitations, Conclusion. on this paper I’m mainly focusing on two periods, which are the colonial period, and the period that immediatly follows it, which is the Pan-Arab period. Also, I’m looking on how the Egyptian national identity was influenced by football […]
in what ways does “Total Eclipse” writer Annie Dillard evoke the sensations, images, concepts, nature, etc. of the sublime as envisioned and conveyed in Burke’s text?in what ways does “Total Eclipse” writer Annie Dillard evoke the sensations, images, concepts, nature, etc. of the sublime as envisioned and conveyed in Burke’s text?
SPRING 2024: FORMAL PAPER #2 In “Total Eclipse,” writer Annie Dillard describes the thrilling, beautiful, and terrifying experience of witnessing the rare event known as a total eclipse. How do the autobiographical descriptions of her experiences resonate with the ideas of the sublime as explored in the excerpts from Burke’s A Philosophical Enquiry into the […]