Write this essay to fit an IB historical internal assessment paper. Include credible sources in MLA format and create a IB historical essay topic that aligns with the paper. Make sure to follow the following rubric and fit into the 10-12 markband for International Baccalaureate, reminder the event written CANNOT be an event in the […]
Choose one of the writers from the reading list and write an essay showing how his or her life is reflected in one or two specific worksChoose one of the writers from the reading list and write an essay showing how his or her life is reflected in one or two specific works
The final draft must incorporate 3-6 scholarly sources, with 3-6 direct quotes (at least two from the research), using MLA documentation. Be sure to properly integrate and introduce quotes in your paper, and please use in-text citations, whether you are quoting or paraphrasing. Don’t give the article and journal titles in the body of the […]
Assessment Evolution, Population Genetics, Speciation, and Systematics PresentationAssessment Evolution, Population Genetics, Speciation, and Systematics Presentation
As a reminder, any assignment (including this presentation) that is found to have included content generative by ChatGPT or other generative AI platforms will receive a 0 with no chance to redo the assignment. These module presentations are a significant portion of your grade and could result in the loss of an entire letter grade […]
Discussion Topic for Week 4: Preparing for WA5, the Resume/Cover Letter/PARC SummaryDiscussion Topic for Week 4: Preparing for WA5, the Resume/Cover Letter/PARC Summary
This discussion topic is designed to help prepare you for writing assignment #5, the resume, cover letter, and summary of PARC concepts. In this discussion topic, we will listen to part of a podcast about the skill gap in the cybersecurity market. If you are not majoring in cybersecurity, no problem. The concepts noted in […]
you need to create a presentation of some sort that defines, explains and provides at least two unique examples with explanations of your chosen fallacy. While your definition may be taken from Fresh English, the examples have to be your own.you need to create a presentation of some sort that defines, explains and provides at least two unique examples with explanations of your chosen fallacy. While your definition may be taken from Fresh English, the examples have to be your own.
Directions Basic slides to include Title slide Definition and explanation of the fallacy (include the word count at the end of the slide with a minimum of 100 words) Example 1 with explanation (include the word count at the end of the slide with a minimum of 100 words) Example 2 with explanation (include the […]
Please watched the (YouTube Video I-Team Investigates Hospital Violence). You must summarize the video in two or more part paragraphy.Please watched the (YouTube Video I-Team Investigates Hospital Violence). You must summarize the video in two or more part paragraphy.
As part of this summary, I would appreciate it if you could identify the specific category of workplace violence that was depicted. To ensure consistency and professionalism, please format your summary according to the guidelines specified in the APA 7th edition. Additionally, please remember to include proper citations for any sources you refer to in […]
Discussion Topic for Week 5: Resume and Cover Letter Tips from UMGC’s Career Services UnitDiscussion Topic for Week 5: Resume and Cover Letter Tips from UMGC’s Career Services Unit
This discussion topic is designed to help you get started on writing assignment #5, the resume/cover letter/PARC summary. In week 4, we examined a video tutorial from Candid Career on resume writing. For this discussion topic, please peruse the following websites from UMGC’s Career Services unit: Tips from UMGC’s Career Services Unit on writing resumes […]
Step 8: Develop a Crisis Intervention Plan to Respond to a Medical and a Behavioral Emergency in the ClassroomStep 8: Develop a Crisis Intervention Plan to Respond to a Medical and a Behavioral Emergency in the Classroom
Step 8: Develop a Crisis Intervention Plan to Respond to a Medical and a Behavioral Emergency in the Classroom (and give an example of each–5 points) Guidelines and Examples are presented in IRIS Module Classroom Management (Part 2): Elementary Page 8: Crisis Plan
visual arguments in advertising, including implicit and explicit claims, flaws in reasoning, and logical fallacies.visual arguments in advertising, including implicit and explicit claims, flaws in reasoning, and logical fallacies.
I set out an outline with all the requirements and instructions; it is laid out in detail on the “Outline for essay 2” attachment, my sources that I am using are also there on the outline, please only use those sources. — Use https://philosophie.ac-normandie.fr/IMG/html/0.html#top for the “This is not sex” article. and, –Use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CefKROMngRs for the […]
Illness Perception Differences Between Russian- and Hebrew-Speaking Israeli Oncology PatientsIllness Perception Differences Between Russian- and Hebrew-Speaking Israeli Oncology Patients
The paper will summarize and critique a peer-reviewed research article on a topic pertaining to the course syllabus. Write about ONE of the two attached articles. Paper 1 due by the beginning of class on Weds 3/20. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1” margins all […]