
View the video and pick a topic that you found interesting and present your views. Support your position with two source.View the video and pick a topic that you found interesting and present your views. Support your position with two source.

The following link is a video that covers some topics hotly debated in our society today. View the video and pick a topic that you found interesting and present your views. Support your position with two source.

Advocate for the prioritization of affordable housing development in Bexar County and to propose solutions that address the housing crisis.Advocate for the prioritization of affordable housing development in Bexar County and to propose solutions that address the housing crisis.

APA formatting for the document, including an appropriately formatted title page and references page  A thesis statement at the end of the introduction paragraph An introduction paragraph that establishes the issue Well-developed paragraphs that include evidence from sources to support your argument for a specific change in your community Effective transitions between and within paragraphs  […]

Understanding Employee Perception of the Effectiveness of the Human Resource Operating Model: A Qualitative Study on a Global Matrixed Management Structured Profit OrganizationUnderstanding Employee Perception of the Effectiveness of the Human Resource Operating Model: A Qualitative Study on a Global Matrixed Management Structured Profit Organization

Title: “Understanding Employee Perception of the Effectiveness of the Human Resource Operating Model: A Qualitative Study on a Global Matrixed Management Structured Profit Organization” Dissertation Plan: I. Introduction and Problem Definition (Approx. 1,000 words) A. Background and Rationale 1. Overview of the rise of global matrixed management structures 2. Importance of understanding employee perceptions for […]

what ideals are being conveyed to viewers (what do they make you think?) and how do they, as a whole, make you feel (and I do mean feel – emotions here are critical)?what ideals are being conveyed to viewers (what do they make you think?) and how do they, as a whole, make you feel (and I do mean feel – emotions here are critical)?

There were many forms of art produced in the USSR – from realistic, impressionist, and expressionist to avant-garde and experimental and even pornographic. After the 1920s, however, most of it was either not sanctioned by the state or considered downright “decadent,” anti-social, or “capitalist,” and anti-Soviet by the government. Of course, artists produced whatever they […]

Healthcare is transitioning from payment for healthcare services to increasing attention to quality and safety.Healthcare is transitioning from payment for healthcare services to increasing attention to quality and safety.

Healthcare is transitioning from payment for healthcare services to increasing attention to quality and safety. These changes have had an impact on both payment approaches and care delivery approaches. Discuss the coordinated care models’ potential benefits and pitfalls from a provider’s perspective. Then discuss the same, addressing the view of patients. To prepare for this […]

Discuss the importance of Brexit to the European Integration process. Outline problems with its coordination and discuss the implications it will have for both the British and Irish economies.Discuss the importance of Brexit to the European Integration process. Outline problems with its coordination and discuss the implications it will have for both the British and Irish economies.

A Sample provided The Project will be marked on the quality of the material produced and the presentation of the project; use of the variety of resources regarding governmental material, international financial institutions, and development agencies; methodology as research based and innovative; the use of digital communication, government policy papers, newspapers, etc., as well as […]


To Prepare: Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery. Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one […]

Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles.Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles.

Case Study: Conscientious Objection and ProfessionalResponsibilityNurse Amelia Brooks, a dedicated and experienced nurse at Riverside Medical Center, hasalways been known for her commitment to patient care. However, she finds herself in a moralquandary when Dr. Rebecca Martin, the leading obstetrician at the center, asks her to assist inan elective abortion procedure for a patient named […]

Chobani – Market segmentation and targeting strategy as well as customer decision making profile.Chobani – Market segmentation and targeting strategy as well as customer decision making profile.

The company I was assigned is “Chobani” The assignment reads: “As you continue to work on your marketing plan for your assigned company/product, you are asked to create the following: (1) a market segmentation and targeting strategy and (2) a customer decision-making profile. Keep in mind, your strategy should be a NEW recommendation based on […]

UX project. Analyze the other form of the service of your choice. It can be a home pod, geofence, smartwatch app, TV app, car infotainment etc.UX project. Analyze the other form of the service of your choice. It can be a home pod, geofence, smartwatch app, TV app, car infotainment etc.

UX project: This project can be completed with a Word / PowerPoint document, screenshots, and/or pen and paper. Focus on the features and usability. Teacher note: One important note for the project.  I saw some projects that praised the app instead of analysing it – applauded like it was a marketing presentation. But it’s not.  […]