
Considering the concentric zone model of urbanization, what type of zone were you raised in? Is this the same or different from that of earlier generations in your family? What type of urban zone do you reside in now?Considering the concentric zone model of urbanization, what type of zone were you raised in? Is this the same or different from that of earlier generations in your family? What type of urban zone do you reside in now?

Submit a paper that is well constructed using APA format. The paper should be a minimum of one typewritten page (approximately 300 to 400 words) with an introduction and conclusion. This paper shall demonstrate use of standard written English with respect to: organization, grammar, spelling, composition, sentence structure, punctuation, and construction. Your paper will be […]

Othello Paper – choosing a character in Othello to analyze using Freud’s theories.Othello Paper – choosing a character in Othello to analyze using Freud’s theories.

After reading/watching the information provided on Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, you will be choosing a character in Othello to analyze using Freud’s theories.  Each of the characters in the play can easily be analyzed using Freud’s theories. You may discuss any element of psychoanalysis: ego, id, superego; defense mechanisms, dreams, levels of conciousness, etc. If you’d like, you may […]

Discussion: Hurricane Maria and Federal Efforts Involved in Preparation and ResponseDiscussion: Hurricane Maria and Federal Efforts Involved in Preparation and Response

Refer to Overview of Federal Efforts to prepare for and respond to Hurricane Maria. Living through Hurricane Maria (2018):A lesson in resilience. FEMA. Many federal agencies were involved in the pre- and post-disaster of Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico. Pick two agencies and comment on their involvement. Do you see evidence of interagency […]

Create a full scale campaign for Pti Ber Papadopoulos cookies (the original ones) in the Greek MarketCreate a full scale campaign for Pti Ber Papadopoulos cookies (the original ones) in the Greek Market

I will add the speaker notes by my self I only need the “scripts” I mention fot the TV, radio executions, etc.  All the important notes are below in the document (the final assement one). The implementation of the campaign should not be for all cookies Papadopoulos has but only for a specific line named […]

The Effectiveness of Alternative Medicine in Treating Chronic Pain: Integrating complementary therapies into Conventional Care.The Effectiveness of Alternative Medicine in Treating Chronic Pain: Integrating complementary therapies into Conventional Care.

Should alternative medicine be considered an effective treatment for chronic disease?  Minimun 10 pages in length (Counting the title page and Reference page). So only 8 pages of writing is needed.  Must have a Cover page Must have a Reference page in APA format 3-5 Scholarly sources cited in the body of the paper and […]

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Crime Victimization on Vulnerable PopulationsUnderstanding the Psychological Impact of Crime Victimization on Vulnerable Populations

I do need it to take an hour for my presentation and it is based on a research paper I wrote For this, the second assignment, you are to produce the PowerPoint presentation you will in part use for conducting an actual presentation related to victimology to your chosen audience. It is to be clearly based […]

Analyzing Meerkat Behavior: Introducing the Scientific Method and Data Analysis SkillsAnalyzing Meerkat Behavior: Introducing the Scientific Method and Data Analysis Skills

The laboratory series is the foundational assignment group for developing student abilities to implement the scientific method and apply data analysis skills. In this course, the first exercise is demonstrative, the second teachable, and the third inquiry-based, which is hypothesis-driven and focuses on methods to address the research question. For this first lab, we will […]

Examine a recent news story dealing with a crime in Canada and how it is impacted by, or impacts the criminal justice systemExamine a recent news story dealing with a crime in Canada and how it is impacted by, or impacts the criminal justice system

 i will provide the slides for this course too, but later Essay AssignmentThis assignment asks you to examine a recent news story dealing with a crime in Canada and how it is impacted by, or impacts the criminal justice system; i.e.the media’s role, societal issues and the role of legal/policy systems in this country. You […]

hypothetical in-service session related to the improvement plan you developed in Assessment 2…..PT 3hypothetical in-service session related to the improvement plan you developed in Assessment 2…..PT 3

For this assessment, you will develop an 8–14 slide PowerPoint presentation with thorough speaker’s notes designed for a hypothetical in-service session related to the improvement plan you developed in Assessment 2. For this assessment, build on the work that you have done in your first two assessments and create an agenda and PowerPoint of an […]

What aspects of POC (persons of color Black / LatinX / Asian) experience, as seen through the lens of Afrofuturism in electronic music, resonate most with you and how will it inform not only your artistic practice but your daily life/process?What aspects of POC (persons of color Black / LatinX / Asian) experience, as seen through the lens of Afrofuturism in electronic music, resonate most with you and how will it inform not only your artistic practice but your daily life/process?

First of all, this is not graded by writing skills and I’m an international student (asian) so please do not write overly professional and preferably use easier words. Please follow the instructions below. (I attached a file of learning objectives/ musicians/ link covered in class below)  Criteria Your paper should be a minimum of 5 […]