
brief formal business proposal that uses professional conventions in writing, structure, and presentation as covered in this course.brief formal business proposal that uses professional conventions in writing, structure, and presentation as covered in this course.

You will write a brief formal business proposal that uses professional conventions in writing, structure, and presentation as covered in this course. The scenario and details upon which to base this assignment are provided to you in the Ametros simulation. In addition, read all the additional instructions and requirements provided here. Refer to the educational […]

You can choose any topic that would suit you, from the listed 6 topics in *instructionsYou can choose any topic that would suit you, from the listed 6 topics in *instructions

Please answer 1 of the following 6 questions, in an essay of around 1000 words. Your essays must be submitted on Moodle by 4pm on Wednesday 10 January 2024. 1)    Discuss three or four aspects of social life for which you believe the concept of ‘culture as ritual’ adds to our understanding and explain why. Discuss drawing on theories and concepts covered […]

Create a professionals development plan as an LMHC (License Mental Health Counselor)Create a professionals development plan as an LMHC (License Mental Health Counselor)

I am a graduate student pursuing my graduate degree and this is my last class to complete an assignment for before graduating. I have a 4.0 GPA, however, this class was taken to satisfy a minimum class requirement and as such, has left me with a lackluster approach to completing it with my schedule. The class […]

‘When no one is to blame, everyone is to blame’ – Pope Francis. Interpersonal Violence and Harm.‘When no one is to blame, everyone is to blame’ – Pope Francis. Interpersonal Violence and Harm.

Critically discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement by considering the responses victims of interpersonal violence (domestic abuse, coercive control, sexual violence and stalking) receive when they seek help. In your answer you must assess the challenges and barriers that victims may experience, by including recommendations for how these might be addressed.

-Is Strauss right to think that every society must have two opposed curricula: an elite curriculum based on truth and a mythic or ideological curriculum for the many?-Is Strauss right to think that every society must have two opposed curricula: an elite curriculum based on truth and a mythic or ideological curriculum for the many?

Is a twofold curriculum – a true one for an elite and a mythic one for the many – a necessity for any social economy based on a division of labour? -Is Strauss right to think that every society must have two opposed curricula: an elite curriculum based on truth and a mythic or ideological […]

Understanding Economic Systems and Business; Competing in the Global MarketplaceUnderstanding Economic Systems and Business; Competing in the Global Marketplace

Out of the five factors of production, which one(s) seems to be the most important for creating wealth? Use the U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics website tool to determine the current unemployment rates in your state and county. List the rates and describe how well you believe the United States is doing based on this […]

Write an essay of up to 3000 words in length. Discuss the theme of faith and doubt in relation to the expression of identity and belief in Victorian Britain.Write an essay of up to 3000 words in length. Discuss the theme of faith and doubt in relation to the expression of identity and belief in Victorian Britain.

Use the following two Victorian texts for primary texts:   Ameenah (Emily) Lincoln, The Convert′s Passion: An Anthology of Islamic Poetry from Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain, edited by Brent D. Singleton (Wildside Press, 2009), ‘La Illa ha, Illa Llah!’, ‘Hope Delusive!’ (pp. 49-51). Nineteenth-Century Religion, Literature and Society, gen. ed. Naomi Hetherington (2020). Use at […]

You should select a business ethics issue that either has occurred or might occur in a veterinary practice and write an analysis of the issue and potential decisions/solutionsYou should select a business ethics issue that either has occurred or might occur in a veterinary practice and write an analysis of the issue and potential decisions/solutions

Hide Assignment Information -[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dcover]!/4/2/2/4/2%4051:36 Instructions Graded Project Instructions Example Selection You should select a business ethics issue that either has occurred or might occur in a veterinary practice and write an analysis of the issue and potential decisions/solutions, using the concepts introduced in your textbook. You might pick one of the following: A situation currently […]

Term paper about perceived body image issues and prevalence of eating disorders during emerging adulthoodTerm paper about perceived body image issues and prevalence of eating disorders during emerging adulthood

Your grade will be determined by evaluating which sources you choose (3 points), how you integrate information (7 points), your conclusions based on the evidence (3 points), and the quality of your writing (2 points).  INSTRUCTIONS: -intext citations -Times new roman, 12 pt, double-spaced -PROVIDE A PROPER TITLE REGARDING THE TOPIC: The topic can be in […]