
analyze 3 articles – Critically discuss the extent to which businesses take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seriously.analyze 3 articles – Critically discuss the extent to which businesses take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seriously.

Assignment 2 – 2000 words – 50%   Critically discuss the extent to which businesses take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seriously. Please read and analyse the following 3 articles. Your answer, amongst other things, should draw from the 3 articles below as well as refer to wider UK and international frameworks for CSR. We will […]

assessment requires students to create a news media artefact (eg written newspaper report or digitized newspaper report) (1000-word equivalent) and an accompanied written rationale (500-word equivalent).assessment requires students to create a news media artefact (eg written newspaper report or digitized newspaper report) (1000-word equivalent) and an accompanied written rationale (500-word equivalent).

Assessment requires students to create a news media artefact (eg written newspaper report or digitized newspaper report) (1000-word equivalent) and an accompanied written rationale (500-word equivalent).  Specifically, students are required to select from a range of crime news stories and rewrite the news story from a critical criminological perspective. In doing so, students will be […]

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.

I am submitting this on a college application, so punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure are all essential. (The writing itself is less critical than the writing structure). Please write a “personal experience” 250 words or less over the information I am giving you: Two summers ago, I volunteered with my Church to drive 10 hours […]

Discuss some of the critical insights that a feminist political economic approach to artificial intelligence adds to these debates.Discuss some of the critical insights that a feminist political economic approach to artificial intelligence adds to these debates.

This is the question for the first essay: There is currently a lot of public discussion about and concern about the possible social risks of artificial intelligence. Discuss some of the critical insights that a feminist political economic approach to artificial intelligence adds to these debates. Please find attached the course material which I am […]

Write an essay by answering two questions. What is the difference between a language and a dialect? 2. What does it mean that culture is both shared and contested?Write an essay by answering two questions. What is the difference between a language and a dialect? 2. What does it mean that culture is both shared and contested?

Write a 500 to 600-word essay on each of the questions below. Each essay must incorporate course materials for support and may include credible outside sources. Make sure to cite all sources.   What is the difference between a language and a dialect?              2. What does it mean that […]

How do narratives of optimization hinder or advance efforts to repair and/or to conceive of alternative (media) futures?How do narratives of optimization hinder or advance efforts to repair and/or to conceive of alternative (media) futures?

The second essay (3000 words) question is: How do narratives of optimization hinder or advance efforts to repair and/or to conceive of alternative (media) futures? Again, you will find attached all the important material which should be used and optional readings inside the folder. I am still not sure how to approach this specific essay […]

One page marketing plan for a brand or company of your choice. This paper should discuss the brand you are writing the marketing plan for. Explain why they need a new plan, and discuss some preliminary marketing strategies.One page marketing plan for a brand or company of your choice. This paper should discuss the brand you are writing the marketing plan for. Explain why they need a new plan, and discuss some preliminary marketing strategies.

This paper should discuss the brand you are writing the marketing plan for. Explain why they need a new plan, and discuss some preliminary marketing strategies. Topic: Brand or company you are proposing for your topic Brief background Rationale Why does this company need a new plan? Are you entering a new market? Are you […]

A memo, a spreadsheet with sales figures and a chart, and a presentation that integrates spreadsheet data.A memo, a spreadsheet with sales figures and a chart, and a presentation that integrates spreadsheet data.

Overview In this lesson, you’ll use the skills you’ve acquired for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to prepare for a sales meeting. You’ll assume the role of Director of Sales. For this project, you’ll complete a memo, a spreadsheet with sales figures and a chart, and a presentation that integrates spreadsheet data. Key Points and […]

pick an original example of state or state-corporate crime, and comment on four aspects relating to your chosen case study.pick an original example of state or state-corporate crime, and comment on four aspects relating to your chosen case study.

Pick an original example of a state or state-corporate crime, and comment on four aspects relating to your chosen case study. Definitions: Which of the definitions of state crime discussed in the module does your case fall under? Causes: What are the causes of the case you have chosen? Culpability of Different Actors/Organisations: Who is […]

Develop a section of a curriculum for staff, academia, community, or patient education using 21st Century Learning Skills.Develop a section of a curriculum for staff, academia, community, or patient education using 21st Century Learning Skills.

You will construct a section of a curriculum/educational course for a nursing program, staff development series, patient education, or public health education program. I choose ADN program You will demonstrate the application and appropriateness of the curriculum design for your chosen population. The curriculum should have a minimum of three courses. It should include: Course […]