
value and importance of using both qualitative and quantitative research in public saftey law enforcementvalue and importance of using both qualitative and quantitative research in public saftey law enforcement

 qualitative and quantitative research that has been used to improve public safety. Of the research shared, select your favorite 4 examples of qualitative and quantitative research.  draft an argumentative essay that convinces the reader why both qualitative and quantitative research are important to public safety. You will consider the following questions: What are the limitations of […]

Before contacting me, read my instructions in full. Develop a research paper with Vimy by Vern Thiessen as main source. Utilize the other 3 secondary sources I have included to support my thesis statement.Before contacting me, read my instructions in full. Develop a research paper with Vimy by Vern Thiessen as main source. Utilize the other 3 secondary sources I have included to support my thesis statement.

Instructions: First, read the instructions fully before to contact me. Please write 1500 words using the topic described abovec.  Begin the essay with a well-developed introductory paragraph that contains a clear thesis (Thesis is given by topic and research question in the attached document).  Provide specific textual evidence for the thesis claims coming from the main […]

Develop a research paper with Vimy by Vern Thiessen as main source. Utilize the other 3 secondary sources I have included to support my thesis statement.Develop a research paper with Vimy by Vern Thiessen as main source. Utilize the other 3 secondary sources I have included to support my thesis statement.

Thesis:  The Battle of Vimy Ridge unquestionably instigated societal and cultural transformations in Canada. Vern Thiessen’s play, Vimy, provides insight into why some of these changes may not have a positive impact on modern Canadian society. How does the 2007 play Vimy illustrate the positive (Being seen as an independent country from England, being differentiated […]

Specific Requirements: 1. FOLLOW the General Essay Directions carefully( ATTACHED )Specific Requirements: 1. FOLLOW the General Essay Directions carefully( ATTACHED )

pecific Requirements:1. FOLLOW the General Essay Directions carefully (on Canvas, Files): EssayExam.GeneralDirections2. REVIST Assignments & Expectations (on Canvas, Files): Env.AssignmentsDeadlinesReadings…3. FOLLOW these Specific Directions carefully.4. READ or REREAD the assigned readings:a. King & McCarthy: Ch 10 (Bryson et al: Lead & Gender in Australia)b. King & McCarthy: Ch 22 (Pellow & Brehm: Total Liberation)5. READ […]

Group No 4. Topic: Rhinovirus: Common cold (1rst more frequent) and Coronavirus: Common Cold (2nd more frequent)Group No 4. Topic: Rhinovirus: Common cold (1rst more frequent) and Coronavirus: Common Cold (2nd more frequent)

Requirement to presentation: 1. The presentation is to be submitted in PPT. The document should have 10 – 15 slides (Including the Cover Sheet and References). 2. The document must be submitted at least the day before the presentation. 3. It is allowed to use figures in the development of your presentation. 4. Your presentation […]

After studying Canada’s history, what is your understanding of Canadian identity?After studying Canada’s history, what is your understanding of Canadian identity?

Budget for at least an hour of time for this section Respond to the following question in a thoughtful, insightful five paragraph essay that draws on a range of historical details from throughout the term. Be sure to keep your focus on key events.The idea of Canadian identity was never crystalized in a dramatic war […]

Discussion Forum -History of governance, shared governance, institutional types, and leadership rolesDiscussion Forum -History of governance, shared governance, institutional types, and leadership roles

I pick NOVA University Discussion Forum 1B: Analyze and evaluate key points from the history of governance and shared governance, the various institutional types, and leadership roles in higher education and cite relevant readings or resources from Module 1. 1. Come up with a current day example of a higher education institution that exemplifies the type […]

How are the business environments for Starbucks and Y-Not Stop (or other local convenience store/deli chain in your area)?How are the business environments for Starbucks and Y-Not Stop (or other local convenience store/deli chain in your area)?

How are the business environments for Starbucks and Y-Not Stop (or other local convenience store/deli chain in your area) different? How are they similar? Do you believe that they way a manager sets strategic goals at each firm is different? For those of you outside of central Louisiana: Y-Not Stop in a chain of upscale […]

Write a 2-3-page paper applying the information gained through analysis to examine the organization’s position within the external environment.Write a 2-3-page paper applying the information gained through analysis to examine the organization’s position within the external environment.

Complete the second portion of the Market Data Analysis section and the Evidence-Based Strategies section of your Course Project Template. Remember that you should be building on the same template you have been submitting for each assessment. Each section should be 1–2 pages in length. Address the points below. Market Data Analysis • Evaluate supportive […]

How do global power dynamics and the proliferation of data-driven technologies intersect, and what risks does this datafied society pose in terms of privacy, security, and social justice?How do global power dynamics and the proliferation of data-driven technologies intersect, and what risks does this datafied society pose in terms of privacy, security, and social justice?

Answer with reference to globlisation of technology, Focaults govermentalty theory, data politics and data justice – Define your terms: How will you understand datification? – Choose one particular aspect of the question (how do they intersect and the risks they pose), and address the other one more broadly, you will find one will likely work […]