
Covid-19 key issues from the biopsychosocial standpoint that have contributed to this epidemic.Covid-19 key issues from the biopsychosocial standpoint that have contributed to this epidemic.

This is a group project… My portion of the project is to discuss key issues from the biopsychosocial standpoint that have contributed to this epidemic.  I have attached the first 2 rough drafts that have been submitted to the teacher already. Please disregard due dates below, they are incorrect. Identify a global health epidemic/pandemic that […]

Analyzing the case study of Operation Anaconda using the 7 principles of Mission Command.Analyzing the case study of Operation Anaconda using the 7 principles of Mission Command.

Your assignment is to analyze the case study using the 7 principles of Mission Command.   The 7 principles (Competence, mutual trust, Shared Understanding, Commander’s Intent, Mission Orders, Disciplined Initiative, and Risk Acceptance) will be included in your thesis statement. If they are not, you will redo your paper. After the introduction paragraph, the first paragraph […]

topic should involve Urology and Nephrology conditions that may affect proper body function.topic should involve Urology and Nephrology conditions that may affect proper body function.

t in an APA formatted paper. In addition to the worksheet, a title page is required. There is no length requirement; however, presentation is important. A minimum of two references for each disease/condition information worksheet is required. You can use your book as one reference and any search engine for additional references. Wikipedia is not a […]

Launch Business Concept Proposal (LBCP) Course Project: LBCP Presentation (PLG1)Launch Business Concept Proposal (LBCP) Course Project: LBCP Presentation (PLG1)

Launch Business Concept Proposal: Design a vertical launch and landing spaceplane for suborbital tourism. In this final activity of the course, you will submit the final version of your final LBCP presentation. The final presentation will be an audio narrated video presentation of your LBCP utilizing PowerPoint or similar presentation software. The presentation will be no […]

Discussion Post Response: Persuasive Messages, Reports, Presentations, and InterviewsDiscussion Post Response: Persuasive Messages, Reports, Presentations, and Interviews

Please use plain english and no filler adjectives to meet word count. Please respond to this post. Thank you.  Izabel There is a fine line when it comes to being persuasive and too pushy. Everyone has either had or heard of an experience of a car salesman. It is a joke about how someone can […]

Prepare a researched 1 page paper discussing how Long Island is addressing food insecurity.Prepare a researched 1 page paper discussing how Long Island is addressing food insecurity.

Prepare a researched 1 page paper discussing how Long island is addressing food insecurity and then just specify one town on long island and talk about that for a few sentecnes. i will attach a video my teacher had us watch on you tube before hand.

How does [THE WIZARD OF OZ] use formal techniques along with its story to express an idea or raise questions for its audience?How does [THE WIZARD OF OZ] use formal techniques along with its story to express an idea or raise questions for its audience?

  This course requires a final paper of 8-10 pages, excluding the title page and Works Cited. The paper is to be set in 12-point Times Roman font and double-spaced, with one-inch margins. The student selects a topic for the instructor’s approval and suggestions. In general, the essay should attempt to answer the following question: […]

Workshop/Conference Reflection #2 Women In Business Conference: Lift as You LeadWorkshop/Conference Reflection #2 Women In Business Conference: Lift as You Lead

Submit your 2-3 page reflection paper as a Word doc or PDF here in Canvas There are no mandatory prompts for your reflection (i.e., you are free to write about whatever aspect(s) of the event that you wish) but I have included a few ideas below in case it is helpful to you.  What drew you […]

Addressing the Fragmentation of Digital Health Systems and Electronic Health Records to Achieve Seamless Interoperability in Emergency Mental Health CareAddressing the Fragmentation of Digital Health Systems and Electronic Health Records to Achieve Seamless Interoperability in Emergency Mental Health Care

Ted Talk Inspired Presentation  Generate a pre-recorded, 5-6 minutes in duration Ted Talk inspired presentation. Frame this Ted Talk presentation as an inspirational or awareness video that could be shown to either fellow clinicians, in order to advocate for change or suggest new strategies to address old problems. The essence of a Ted Talk video is to showcase an […]

Demonstrate an understanding of the developmental stages teachers and supervisors progress through.Demonstrate an understanding of the developmental stages teachers and supervisors progress through.

It takes time and experience to develop into an exceptional teacher and supervisor. For this assignment, interview at least 3 early education teachers and 2 early education supervisors/directors. In these interviews, ask about what characteristics each person thinks are important for effective supervision and how they think supervisors learn and develop these skills. Also, ask […]