
Given the ‘Garde-Robe”and ‘Gift Shop’ campaign how can Balenciaga restore its brand image?Given the ‘Garde-Robe”and ‘Gift Shop’ campaign how can Balenciaga restore its brand image?

This is an IBDP Business Managment HL Internal Assesmnet.  Research Question: Given the ‘Garde-Robe”and ‘Gift Shop’ campaign how can Balenciaga restore its brand image? Key concept: Ethics It has to be written in Arial, font size 12 and double spacing. Must be clearly written and well orgainsed. Use intext citaion throughout. The maximum word limit is […]

Global Film Industries : Film Festival Curation Proposal and Programme on Iranian CinemaGlobal Film Industries : Film Festival Curation Proposal and Programme on Iranian Cinema

The film Festival will be based on Iran and I chose it to be online for 3 days and the main themes are censorship and gender representations for the films. I have researched as well a list of films if they are suitable. For the curation programme will be around 7 -8 films each grouped on […]

Write a 2-3 page narrative essay about a single event using the techniques and elements of narrative writingWrite a 2-3 page narrative essay about a single event using the techniques and elements of narrative writing

A. Directions Step 1: Choose a Topic Choose a topic that enables you to tell a short, interesting personal narrative essay. Your narrative can be funny, suspenseful, meaningful, or exciting, but it must focus on one event. EXAMPLE  If you decide to write about traveling to Washington DC, you should not write about the entire trip. […]

Engage with a Vila Health scenario and then create a concept map that illustrates a plan for achieving high-quality outcomes for a patient.Engage with a Vila Health scenario and then create a concept map that illustrates a plan for achieving high-quality outcomes for a patient.

Engage with a Vila Health scenario and then create a concept map that illustrates a plan for achieving high-quality outcomes for a patient. Introduction Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you should complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they […]

[MIT Sloan Master in Finance] Application Short Answer Questions; Check, revise and Edit work need[MIT Sloan Master in Finance] Application Short Answer Questions; Check, revise and Edit work need

Instruction: This is MIT Sloan Master in Finance application short answer questionsThere are four short answer question word limits 200 for Q# 1-3 and 250 for Q#4 below (total 850 words). My writing is a mixture of my human writing and Chat GPT. Please edit/revise my writing to look more intuitive, human, smart, clear, and smooth so […]

Is the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework a catalyst or a constraint in addressing the challenge of climate change?Is the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework a catalyst or a constraint in addressing the challenge of climate change?

Please discuss the following sections: 1) An overview of the ESG framework – including historical development and integration into business practices and a timeline of key regulations. 2) Discuss ESG as a catalyst including driving sustainable practices and investor influence, and other positive associations (including examples). 3) Discuss the constraints and issues of the ESG […]

Analysis of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) using Utility Index of Assessment. Its pros and cons and suggestion for improvement.Analysis of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) using Utility Index of Assessment. Its pros and cons and suggestion for improvement.

The dean wants you to analyse the current use of DOPS in your program on; 1) the use (what is it, what is it measuring, how the instrument is formatively and summatively used in the program); 2) the strengths and weaknesses of the instrument using the utility model for analyses and improvement suggestions (reliability, validity, […]

The topic of my academic paper is about tackling a problem for educational change and innovation courseThe topic of my academic paper is about tackling a problem for educational change and innovation course

the topic of my academic paper is about tackling a problem for educational change and innovation course 3 written pages, plus 1 for references and one for the title I already have a template of how he wants it to be these are the instructions: Introduce a specific educational change you will tackle;Formulate a problem […]

Solidworks: coursework – construction and implementation of a small-scale mechanismSolidworks: coursework – construction and implementation of a small-scale mechanism

 ndividual Technical report, Presentation and Demonstration of the final artifact. Each group should complete at least the following phases: a) Design phase: Design the selected mechanism using suitable CAD software (e.g. Solidworks). Create a 3D model of the mechanism and its component separately. Finally, create drawings with all the necessary information in order to manufacture […]

Do cfos/ceos demographic and biographical characteristics (age, gender, tenure, cpa, mba, work background, education background) have an association with the quality/effectiveness pf internal controlDo cfos/ceos demographic and biographical characteristics (age, gender, tenure, cpa, mba, work background, education background) have an association with the quality/effectiveness pf internal control

Do cfos/ceos demographic and biographical characteristics (age, gender, tenure, cpa, mba, work background, education background) have an association with the quality/effectiveness pf internal control over financial reporting under sox 404 regulation measured by the incidence of dislcosing sox 4 I need only the analysis section (13000 words) Ι attach the word file with theoretical framework, […]