Outcomes- Compare/Contrast at least two different ethnic/racial
groups in the U.S. on parenting practices/beliefs and describe the
effects of each on adolescent development
• Describing differences is NOT enough, must include how those
differences influence specific adolescent outcomes
• Adolescent outcomes can be from any major category, e.g. academic
outcomes, psychological outcomes, other behavioral outcomes
• FYI, European-American/ White ethnic racial group can be one of the
groups. Groups you compare don’t all have to be ethnic minority groups.
• Be careful with the influence of SES. Make sure you are making an
“apples to apples” comparison, e.g., don’t want to be comparing low-
income African Americans with high-income Asian Americans. Make
sure studies are comparing groups of similar SES or at least are
statistically controlling for impact of SES.
Pinquart, M., & Kauser, R. (2018). Do the associations of parenting styles with behavior
problems and academic achievement vary by culture? Results from a meta-analysis. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 24(1), 75–100. https://doi-org.lib-proxy.fullerton.edu/10.1037/cdp0000149
Streit, C., Carlo, G., Ispa, J. M., & Palermo, F. (2017). Negative emotionality and discipline as
long-term predictors of behavioral outcomes in African American and European American children. Developmental Psychology, 53(6), 1013–1026. https://doi-org.lib-proxy.fullerton.edu/10.1037/dev0000306
Varela, R. E., Vernberg, E. M., Sanchez-Sosa, J. J., Riveros, A., Mitchell, M., & Mashunkashey,
J. (2004). Parenting Style of Mexican, Mexican American, and Caucasian-Non-Hispanic Families: Social Context and Cultural Influences. Journal of Family Psychology, 18(4), 651–657. https://doi-org.lib-proxy.fullerton.edu/10.1037/0893-3200.18.4.651
Zhou, Q., Eisenberg, N., Wang, Y., & Reiser, M. (2004). Chinese Children’s Effortful Control
and Dispositional Anger/Frustration: Relations to Parenting Styles and Children’s Social Functioning. Developmental Psychology, 40(3), 352–366. https://doi-org.lib-proxy.fullerton.edu/10.1037/0012-1649.40.3.352
Zhou, S. (2022). Effects of Different Parenting Styles on Mental Health and Academic Outcomes
for Adolescents from Different Cultural Backgrounds. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities, 20, 158-164. https://doi.org/10.54691/bcpssh.v20i.2184