Parents are responsible if their minor child commits a crime. i agree that parents are responsible . this is a Argumentative Essay

 Strive for scholarly voice. Use formal academic diction and tone. Do not use contractions in academic essays, or the words “a lot” and “you.”  Your draft needs an introduction to the topic, support for the essay’s argument, and a conclusion.  Remember, “argument” in academic writing means “to argue a side” of an issue with proof. Remember to add a one paragraph “counterargument” that accurately summarizes the opposing side to your argument then dispense with it logically. Put this counterargument paragraph just before the conclusion.

The Introduction should offer RELEVANT FACTS about your TOPIC (three or four sentences) that lead down to your THESIS statement in the final line. Write a three-pronged thesis statement that includes the three major points you will use to PROVE YOUR THESIS in the order they will be discussed in body paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.  e.g. Parents are responsible for their children’s criminal actions because children under 18 are not capable of making ethical decision, children require guidance regarding right and wrong and parents must be watchdogs for their children’s actions at all times. 

The BODY paragraphs should offer discussion of the three points you chose to prove your thesis. Include aptly chosen transition words and phrases! Organize your body paragraphs this way: 

  • Topic sentence (first sentence of each body paragraph that tells readers what this paragraph is about and how it relates to your thesis)
  • Discussion of the first major point/reason why your thesis is valid.
  • Examples and details about this point/reason. Offer at least two or three. 
  • Summary sentence that sums up paragraph and leads on to next point. 

    Add a Counterargument paragraph after the three body paragraphs that discuss your major points.  If you choose to do this, you will write a six paragraph essay.

The formal conclusion should restate your thesis nearly verbatim, briefly sum up the three points you made, and then offer a comment about what should be done or what the implications are of the topic. Answer what we writers call the “so what?” of it: Why does it matter? Make a final persuasion about the importance of the topic overall. 

Do some research using the LSUA library data bases. Choose TWO sources of information about your topic. Read them closely and select 2-4 brief direct quotes to include in your body paragraphs as support for your essay. Cite them in text like this (Johnson 221). Make sure to write signal phrases to introduce your quotes. Please see the handout below titled Citation Guide for Students.  

If you use any info from your research other than 2-4 short direct quotes such as summary of facts, statistics or any ideas from your sources, cite them just as you would direct quotes. In academic research, we always cite the source of all information.

Add a Works Cited at the end of your essay. See the sample Works Cited page in the Citation Guide for Students. List your sources with full information there. Put this page at the end of your essay. 

This is the grading rubric for Week 6

5 or 6 paragraph, 1000-word argumentative essay about your topic choice from last week. See assignment link for full directions.  Due Friday, Feb. 23.  No need to include last week’s outline unless you failed to submit it Week 5; then, put it last after the Works Cited page. 200 points

Grading Rubric for both the draft and the final essay: 

A 200-180:  Appropriate title, essay clearly states an arguable claim. Clear, strong thesis, preferably a three -prong thesis with points in order of discussion. Discusses the reasons against overall argument or supporting claim and explains why it is valid. Offers evidence from TWO valid sources. Offers two direct quotes per body paragraph. Gives clear and accurate supporting claims in support of argument.  Uses apt transitions. Writing has a compelling opening, an informative middle and satisfying conclusion. Sentences are clear, complete, and of varying lengths. Writer uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, with few errors. The conclusion offers a superior final persuasion that goes beyond just restating the thesis and major points to offering a sense of gravitas about the thesis and topic and offering a solution or call to action. Overall, a sense of polished, scholarly prose.

B 179-160: Title, essay makes an arguable claim but does not propose a solution, action, or new approach to topic; outlines supporting claims but may overlook important reasons.  Offers some transitions but could use more and better choices of wording. Wording is appropriate in tone and diction.  Writing has a beginning, middle and end. It is organized, but could be more compelling. Writer makes routine word choices. Writer has well-constructed sentences. Writer generally uses correct conventions, but may have errors that could be easily fixed. No more than one major error such as run on or fragment. Overall sense of polish and effort but a few minor errors or weaknesses evident.

C 159-140  Student completes the assignment in a satisfactory way but writing has numerous errors in citation, wording, POV. Two or three major grammar errors such as run ons and fragments (or combination of them).  Thesis claim poor or weak. Essay structure is basic but lacks well crafted topic sentences or any topic sentences. Essay proposes weak reasons for supporting the argument. Wording may shift POV here and there. Use of YOU/YOUR pronouns a major problem. Says that there are reasons against the argument  supporting but doesn’t discuss any specifically. Writing is organized but sometimes gets off topic. Language is more informal than formal. Substantial errors in the essay that distract a reader. Conclusion is basic and flat in content. Overall, a pass but a paper that needs more work for a higher score. 

D 139-120:  Title, essay’s argument is buried or confused.  Essay proposes irrelevant or confusing reasons for support of the argument. Writing is bland or indistinctive. Word choice or usage is often inappropriate or wrong. Writer’s sentences are sometimes awkward, and contain more than three run-ons and fragments. In short, the writing is too formal or too informal, making the essayist appear to not writer like the topic.  Poor citations or lack of citations. Lack of Works Cited page. 

F 119-50: Untitled, essay doesn’t say what the argument is. Does not give convincing claims in support of argument. Does not acknowledge or discuss the reasons against the argument or supporting claim. Writing is aimless and disorganized. Writer uses same words over and over and over and over. Some words may be confusing to a reader.  Many run-ons, fragments and awkward phrasings make writer’s essay difficult to read. Overall failure to meet the assignment’s directions and scope. Lack of scholarly polish. Lack of correct MLA formatting overall.

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