part 1 Bluebook Journal entry #4, part 2 Expository Essay, part 3 Discussion Topic: Week #4 Discussion – “The Accordion Family” (two due dates: Friday, Sept. 13th, and Sunday, Sept. 15th)Week #4 Discussion – “The Accordion Family”

part 1 instructions

Bluebook Journal entry #4


In general, the purpose of all Bluebook Journal entries is to give students a low-stakes opportunity to practice writing well-developed paragraphs similar to those that will be included in future essays.

This assignment in particular gives students a chance to work on the following skills associated with this course’s student learning objectives (SLOs):

  • summarizing, paraphrasing, and analyzing texts
  • using standard written English
  • integrating and documenting appropriately-chosen sources, in MLA format

What to submit

Each student will submit a Word document that follows the guidelines as written below.


First, read the following study by Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkisian:

Next, use the following date and title for this journal entry:

  • 11 September 2024
  • Definition/Expository Paragraph

In MLA format, write a single paragraph of 8-12 sentences. Be sure to include the following in your paragraph:

  1. Begin by introducing the main idea (or topic sentence) of your paragraph.
  2. Before quoting their work, introduce the authors, Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkisian, and the title of their study, “The Color of Family Ties.”
    • Note: after introducing them for the first time, simply refer to the authors as Gerstel and Sarkisian, not Naomi and Natalia—and not Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkisian.
  3. In your paragraph, quote and analyze two passages—excluding the passage cited in this writing prompt. Be sure to follow the rules of MLA format.


  • First, define extended family as Gerstel and Sarkisian define it in their study.
  • Next, explain—in detail—two reasons why some individuals have more extended family involvement than others.
    • You may also consider the “trade-off between commitments to nuclear and extended family ties” (Gerstel and Sarkisian 52).

Grading Rubric

A rubric is a grading guide that contains specific criteria that is used to evaluate student work.  The levels of achievement will explain what you will need to do to successfully complete the assignment.  You should strive to achieve the highest level.

Your paragraph will be graded using the rubric associated with this assignment. To view the rubric used for grading your contribution to this discussion, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right of this window, then select Show Rubric from the menu.

Feedback Plan

I will grade this assignment within 7 days of the assignment’s late-work deadline using the rubric and “SpeedGrader” feature. Feedback can be viewed on your Grades page.

How to upload

If you encounter difficulties when uploading your Word document, please refer to the Canvas guide for help.

part 3 instructions Week #4 Discussion – “The Accordion Family”


Week #4’s discussion is related to one of the course readings found in module four. It has two due dates. Let’s get started!


Part 1

Make your initial post by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 13th. In your initial post, please write a paragraph (5 sentences or more) and discuss the following question:

  • Read Katherine Newman’s article closely and answer the following question.

Bluebook Journal entry #4 part 2 instructions Expository Essay

Prompt: Expository Essay


This page is informational in nature. The tutor review will be included in week #3’s graded assessments, while the expository essay will be included in week #4’s graded assessments.

Expository Essay (100 points)

Choose only one of the following prompts:

  1. Based on any two readings by Stephanie Coontz, what specific decade is the golden age of the American family? Discuss two or three reasons (economic, social, political, and so on) why this time period represents an idyllic age for American family life.

  2. Discuss two or three problems (poverty, unemployment, discrimination, incarceration, and so on) that are negatively affecting the black family. In your essay, reference Ta-Nehisi Coates’s articles, “The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration” and “Confessions of a Black Mr. Mom.” If applicable, does Coates propose any solutions to these problems?

  3. How are fathers portrayed in animated films and/or animated television series? Discuss two or three examples of how animated fathers are portrayed. In your essay, reference at least two readings: either Sarah Boxer’s “Why Are All the Cartoon Mothers Dead?” or Keith Booker’s book chapters, “Animation’s New Age: Meet The Simpsons” or “Family Guys from King of the Hill to American Dad.”

  4. Discuss two or three reasons (economic insecurity, divorce, job layoff, home foreclosure, global competition, and so on) why people live in extended family households (also known as multigenerational households or “accordion families”). In your essay, reference both Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkisian’s “The Color of Family Ties: Race, Class, Gender, and Extended Family Involvement” and Katherine Newman’s “The Accordion Family.”


  • In MLA format, write two to three full pages.
  • In addition, incorporate into each body paragraph at least two direct quotes from any two readings. In all, your essay should have a total of four direct quotes (or more) from at least two readings.

Tutor Review #1 (10 points total)

  • Upload a Word document containing a two full-page rough draft. 
  • Be sure to include a PDF file containing either the certificate of attendance sent by a Learning Center tutor or feedback from NetTutor.
    • due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6th

Due date

  • The final draft of this essay is due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 13th.


  • Thesis and Content (30 points)
    • The essay has a thesis—a single, central idea that is interesting, original, striking, and substantial. The central idea must be developed in the essay through well-chosen, appropriate, concrete details that show originality and freshness. The author shows—with rich sensory details—rather than merely tells, if applicable. Additionally, all supporting ideas connect to and help advance the essay’s thesis.
  • Organization (30 points)
    • The essay is organized and well structured: there is an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The essay exhibits a clear strategy for persuasion and pattern of development (chronological order, spatial order, topical order, or order of importance). The essay’s supporting ideas are “previewed” in the introduction and “summarized” in the conclusion. The organization works with the thesis so that the thesis and the organization contribute to serving the purpose of the essay. Essay does not digress from central idea. Transitions help the paper flow smoothly.
  • Paragraphs (20 points)
    • Paragraphs are organized, unified, and coherent. The introductory paragraph contains a hook and context, a “preview” of the supporting ideas, and a forceful thesis statement—i.e., a main claim of fact, policy, or value.  Each body paragraph has a controlling idea (expressed in a topic sentence).  In body paragraphs, the topic sentence helps support the thesis. The conclusion contains a rephrasing of the thesis, a “summary” of the supporting ideas, and substantial final observations.
  • Style (20 points)
    • Sentences are mature and parallel; they show variety of pattern and are rhetorically effective. The essay is written in a style and tone appropriate to the audience, topic, and purpose. Diction is appropriate, formal, and well chosen. Writer avoids wordiness, clichés, and passive voice sentence construction; writer also avoids using first-person and second-person pronouns. Writer seems to be speaking in an authentic voice. The essay is written in MLA format and free of grammatical errors.
  • Works Cited page
    • A properly formatted works cited page will be included on a separate page at the end of your essay. You need a minimum of two (2) sourcesin MLA format, 9th edition.
    • What to submit

      Each student will submit a Word document that follows the guidelines as written below.


      Choose only one of the following prompts:

      1. Based on any two readings by Stephanie Coontz, what specific decade is the golden age of the American family? Discuss two or three reasons (economic, social, political, and so on) why this time period represents an idyllic age for American family life.

      2. Discuss two or three problems (poverty, unemployment, discrimination, incarceration, and so on) that are negatively affecting the black family. In your essay, reference Ta-Nehisi Coates’s articles, “The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration” and “Confessions of a Black Mr. Mom.” If applicable, does Coates propose any solutions to these problems?

      3. How are fathers portrayed in animated films and/or animated television series? Discuss two or three examples of how animated fathers are portrayed. In your essay, reference at least two readings: either Sarah Boxer’s “Why Are All the Cartoon Mothers Dead?” or Keith M. Booker’s book chapters, “Animation’s New Age: Meet The Simpsons” or “Family Guys from King of the Hill to American Dad.”

      4. Discuss two or three reasons (economic insecurity, divorce, job layoff, home foreclosure, global competition, and so on) why people live in extended family households (also known as multigenerational households or “accordion families”). In your essay, reference both Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkisian’s “The Color of Family Ties: Race, Class, Gender, and Extended Family Involvement” and Katherine Newman’s “The Accordion Family.”


      • In MLA format, write two to three full pages.
      • In addition, incorporate into each body paragraph at least two direct quotes from any two readings. In all, your essay should have a total of four to six direct quotes from at least two readings.

      Works cited page

      • A properly formatted works cited page will be included on a separate page at the end of your essay. You need a minimum of two (2) sources in MLA format, 9th edition.

      Grading rubric

      A rubric is a grading guide that contains specific criteria that is used to evaluate student work.  The levels of achievement will explain what you will need to do to successfully complete the assignment.  You should strive to achieve the highest level.

      Your essay will be graded using the rubric associated with this assignment. To view the rubric for this essay, continue to scroll down.

      Feedback plan

      I will grade this essay within 14 days of the assignment’s late-work deadline using the rubric and “SpeedGrader” feature. Feedback can be viewed on your Grades page.

      How to upload

      If you encounter difficulties when uploading your Word document, please refer to the Canvas guide for help.

      Expository Essay
      Expository Essay
      Criteria Ratings Pts
      Thesis and Content

      30 to >0 pts
      Points possible

      The essay has a thesis—a single, central idea that is interesting, original, striking, and substantial. The central idea must be developed in the essay through well-chosen, appropriate, concrete details that show originality and freshness. (The author shows—with rich sensory details—rather than merely tells, if applicable.) Additionally, all supporting ideas connect to and help advance the essay’s thesis.

      0 pts

      For students who do not submit a final draft of the expository essay.

      / 30 pts

      30 to >0 pts
      Points possible

      The essay is organized and well structured: there is an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The essay exhibits a clear strategy for persuasion and pattern of development (chronological order, spatial order, topical order, or order of importance). The essay’s supporting ideas are “previewed” in the introduction and “summarized” in the conclusion. The organization works with the thesis so that the thesis and the organization contribute to serving the purpose of the essay. Essay does not digress from central idea. Transitions help the paper flow smoothly.

      0 pts

      For students who do not submit a final draft of the expository essay.

      / 30 pts

      20 to >0 pts
      Points possible

      Paragraphs are organized, unified, and coherent. The introductory paragraph contains a hook and context, a “preview” of the supporting ideas, and a forceful thesis statement—i.e. a main claim of fact, policy, or value. Each body paragraph has a controlling idea (expressed in a topic sentence). In body paragraphs, the topic sentence helps support the thesis. The conclusion contains a rephrasing of the thesis, a “summary” of the supporting ideas, and substantial final observations.

      0 pts

      For students who do not submit a final draft of the expository essay.

      / 20 pts

      20 to >0 pts
      Points possible

      Sentences are mature and parallel; they show variety of pattern and are rhetorically effective. The essay is written in a style and tone appropriate to the audience, topic, and purpose. Diction is appropriate, formal, and well chosen. Writer avoids wordiness, clichés, and passive voice sentence construction; writer also avoids using first-person and second-person pronouns. Writer seems to be speaking in an authentic voice. The essay is written in MLA format and free of grammatical errors.

      0 pts

      For students who do not submit a final draft of the expository essay.

      / 20 pts
      Works Cited Page

      0 pts

      For students who do not submit a works cited page (or a works cited page with fewer than two sources and/or formatting errors).

      0 pts

      A works cited page that conforms to the rules of MLA format, 9th edition, and contains a minimum of two sources.

      / 0 pts
      Total Points: 0

Bluebook Journal entry #4
Criteria Ratings Pts
Paragraph Length

5 pts
Well Developed

A well-developed paragraph of 8 sentences or more.

4 pts
Somewhat Underdeveloped

A somewhat underdeveloped paragraph of 6 to 7 sentences.

3 pts

An underdeveloped paragraph of 4 to 5 sentences.

2 pts
Very Underdeveloped

A very underdeveloped paragraph of 2 to 3 sentences.

1 pts
Extremely Underdeveloped

An extremely underdeveloped paragraph of only 1 sentence.

0 pts

Paragraph is missing.

/ 5 pts
Quote Integration

5 pts
Highly Proficient

Paragraph contains 2 direct quotes in MLA format (excluding the passage cited in the prompt) from Gerstel and Sarkisian’s study.

4 pts

Paragraph contains 2 direct quotes (excluding the passage cited in the prompt) from Gerstel and Sarkisian’s study, but only 1 conforms to the rules of MLA format.

3 pts
Nearly Proficient

Paragraph contains 2 direct quotes (excluding the passage cited in the prompt) from Gerstel and Sarkisian’s study, but they do not conform to the rules of MLA format.

2 pts
Below Proficient

Paragraph contains only 1 direct quote in MLA format (excluding the passage cited in the prompt) from Gerstel and Sarkisian’s study.

1 pts
Needs Improvement

Paragraph contains only 1 direct quote (excluding the passage cited in the prompt) from Gerstel and Sarkisian’s study, and it does not conform to the rules of MLA format.

0 pts
Missing or Incomplete

Paragraph is missing, or paragraph does not contain any direct quotes.

/ 5 pts
Total Points: 0

    • What are two reasons why adult children never move out of and/or move back into their parents’ homes? Be sure to reference some of the examples from Newman’s text.

  • Read your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of them by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 15th.
    • In each response, write a paragraph (5 sentences or more) that builds on and adds to your classmate’s post.
      • In other words, think of what more could be said about the phenomena of “delayed departure” and/or “boomerang arrangement,” as Newman calls them.
    • Remember: your responses should respectfully and thoughtfully respond to your classmates’ posts and must comply with our Course Netiquette Rules.

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